COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Of course. Close to the election Trump will just say “we meant black and brown old people must die for the Dow Joans” and they’ll all be right back on board.

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New York State numbers from Cuomo

Recent daily deaths
April 8: 799
April 9: 777
April 10: 783
April 11: 758
April 12: 671
April 13: 778
April 14: 758
April 15: 606
April 16: 630
April 17: 540
April 18: 507
April 19: 478
April 20: 481
April 21: 474


How does air circulate in those giant apartment buildings? No one keeps their windows open in NYC in the winter. Everyone passing each other in hallways and in elevators.

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If anyone wants to watch an excellent documentary on this very thing playing out in the Scranton paper industry, I suggest the documentary The Office.


If there’s no vaccine, we’re pretty much going to cycle degrees of lockdown until herd immunity or COVID mysteriously fades away no matter what public policy is. (@anon10387340 is surely right that some degree of lockdown will happen or not (or defiance) regardless of government policy)

Every time I see one of these stories I feel horrible for these people. Their brainwashing via years of propaganda finally killed them. These deaths are absolutely on the hands of Trump and right wing media.

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After some up and down Italy finally experienced its first decline in active cases in the past couple of days. They still have a long way ahead but at least they started moving in the right direction.

I’m getting terrified for November. This isn’t going to be under control by then and that gives the GOP a license to straight up rig the thing, with guaranteed SCOTUS approval.


Wow, there is a LOT of pessimism in those polls.

We don’t know that there’s ever going to be herd immunity or a mysterious fading away. We certainly can’t count on that.

Trump steals many of the ideas. They work. He later convinces most of the American public that he came up with the ideas himself and noone in the media corrects him. Trump wins a landslide victory in November.

Trump posited that April’s temps would kill off coronavirus. It didn’t happen, but surely May’s hotter temps will do the job!


That’s why he wants the economy open so we can get back to raising the temp around the world and kill the virus. Pretty genius move by Trump


It all makes sense now.

Of course this ignores how unhappy the average person is. To many people this wager sounds like a win-win.

Another shit situation here at the Stim house.

We had a leak in the pipes in the wall. Apparently its been going on for months and finally the floor started to flood with water. Called insurance and they sent a guy out. They said they need to basically tear out the walls and replace a bunch of shit. They said there is likely mold and if we don’t do it now they won’t pay for it.

Doesn’t seem like something I can put off for 18 months. And the estimated cost is about 10k but will probably be much worse if we allow it to continue for months. Also if there is mold in the walls obvious thats horrible for my mom.

I’m trying to get my mom to let me take her to an air bnb for the duration but she’s pretty much refusing. She wants to stay here. Which is crazy to me. She doesn’t want to have to move all the machines etc and she just feels more comfortable in her own home. Her life her choice I guess and I don’t want to spend any time mad at each other because I realize she could get this and die at any time, so I don’t push too hard.

So my other option is to let a team of guys in here for like a week to work while I quarantine me and my mom in our bedrooms the entire time. They said they will wear masks and booties on their feet while inside. They have some fancy air filters they need to dry out the moisture in the walls that they said will also filter any virus droplets in the air. Then when they leave and 4pm I fucking scrub down everything. Got plenty of bleach etc to do this. I close all the vents and put towels under the door and open the windows for the duration.

This sucks.


Weird spike upwards in yesterday’s death count. I’m guessing they’re changing how they classify COVID deaths again.

Yeah I’m definitely taking the death risk there.

Normal Tuesday bump. Literally count the days backwards on your chart.

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It won’t be that bad. They’ll put up plastic barriers.

A week? Are they running fans or something drying it out for that week? How big an area are you talking about?

Insurance companies suck. If they say they are going to pay for anything ever you’re lucky.

You might PM Villain1 on 2p2 about the mold. He’s in mold remediation. I talked to him and he had some product recommendation that you might use, but I forget what it was. Tell him I sent you.