COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

This kinda reads like the fever dream right before the end to me.


One thing that is not being talked about enough is that the Republican plans to open the economy are an extremely classist attack. What they really want is the expendable working class to get back to slaving away in unsafe conditions so the relatively rich people can keep working from home and generally be safe but get the occasional consumer experience they want and get their stock portfolios to go back up.

If only the Dems had a voice to defend the working class …


Written & Produced By Aaron Sorkin


You laugh now but Sacrifice the Weak has a nonzero chance of being the Republican election slogan in the fall.


Good news, y’all. Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks still on in NYC.

Mission fucking accomplished.


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Markets back in the green today too. We all good.


World Snooker Championships cancelled until the 31st of July :thinking:

I mean if there’s one sport that could be played its snooker, right?

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For your enjoyment.


Family by his side too? lol

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how about the English Rugby league with the Toronto Wolfpack in it? That seems further

Nah, they’ll fine tune it a bit.

Sacrifice the Poor

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Thoughts and prayers.

Sacrifice the olds isn’t playing well with the olds:

Cliffs: Senior citizens went from Trump’s most ardent supporters to the group least likely to support him other than people younger than 29. He suffered a 20 point drop amongst them. Guess they don’t love the whole “dying to save the Dow Jones Industrial Average” idea. Who could have seen that coming?


Regarding the shutdown vs no shutdown talk, what’s going to happen is that this one will have bought some Democratic governors some time to have at least some impact on the curves in their states. We’ll reopen way too early in most places, the curves will shoot back up, we’ll realize collectively how fucked we actually are (right now is the good old days, by the way), then we’ll do a real lockdown, pass another extension of unemployment, and actually try to expand testing capacity toward where it needs to be.

Hopefully we’ll use that second lockdown to actually do some shit at the federal level, but Trump will still be president, so probably not. Then we’ll do it all again.

I’m sure he made the most of his final 30 days.

Turns out covid did stop him from living his life.


They’ll still vote for him.