COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Ahh ok, that explains why it made 0 sense


If thereā€™s any silver lining itā€™s that Trump supporters are going to get disproportionately hammered by this with those morons holding rallies during the worst of it and 20 states according to Trump, making plans to reopen, and almost all of them probably red states. Not to mention super olds being the majority of those dying.

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My model still holds. :slight_smile:

In other news:

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Your models are light years better and at worst if they were wrong you did as good as you could considering the data. IMHE on the other hand has and always will be a total shitshow that is used on a widespread basis.

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Iā€™m assuming all mutant news is suspect for now. We certainly do not know if different variants cause different symptoms. That will take a long time to deconvolute especially since we are finding new types of damage every other day.

You donā€™t need a respiratory but 5 years down the road your kidneys or liver or heart are shot?

So take any of this with a shaker full of salt for now. We canā€™t tell the good info from the bad and placing a value on one strain vs another is premature.

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Plus if we demonstrate new rates of decline due to better SD better masks etc I can update mine in seconds. What happened before has little impact on what happens next other than the number of current active cases and the last week of positives to extrapolate deaths.

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You donā€™t fucking say!

Also, suck my fucking ass, Linsey

ā€œWe respect Georgiaā€™s right to determine its own fate,ā€ Graham tweeted. ā€œBut we are all in this together. What happens in Georgia will impact us in South Carolina.ā€


I do feel like we should let one state open up as a guinea pig. Whatā€™s the least essential red state where we can easily block all roads going in or out?

Mississippi is worthless and has very few highways it looks like.

JFC Pennsylvania.

That doesnt look good at all.

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Definitely Alaska

Florida. We can saw it off ala bugs bunny if needed.


I think Iā€™ve finally figured out whatā€™s been really bugging me about this since February. There is just a stunning lack of leadership from really, anyone. Instead we have a group of people that are ā€œin chargeā€ whose only goal seems to be to extract as much value as they can from the situation.

The result is that a lot more people are going to die than should, but also a lot of companies (who are sure the end of the pandemic is just around the corner) are going to lose a ton of money trying to stay open in a time where thereā€™s literal no reason for them to be open.


Heā€™s not sticking around. Gonna pull a Keyser Soze

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I think Iā€™d set the line at like 200k by August 4.

As someone who plays poker and makes trips to Florida to play poker, I really, really want to preserve the lives of as many Florida morons as possible so I can take their money at a later date.


I think <100,000 is possible but I wouldnā€™t care to bet on it.

The dirty little secret is we donā€™t actually have very much to do while weā€™re treating Covid patients inpatient.

Basically, we hydrate with IV fluids, give IV antibiotics if they also have pneumonia, and support their respiratory function with supplemental oxygen as needed.

Itā€™s scary when someone who had been fine on 2 L of 02 starts dropping, and over a matter of hours suddenly they need 10 L of 02 to be at the same level. When that happens, we send them to ICU and theyā€™re probably getting intubated. If it gets worse from there, then ventilator, and if it gets worse from THERE, then sadface.

From what Iā€™ve read of the critical care team notes, they do use stuff like hydroxychloroquine in the ICU, but I donā€™t know much about it.