COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Gotcha. I will edit.

Kind of ironic Mr. You Should Think Before You Post

Gosh I missed a reference to a previous post. I will apologize. Iā€™m sorry.

Please provide links to every time you admitted you were wrong based on objective evidence.

In other news.


Local NBC10 Philly just aired a segment with a neurosurgeon. I canā€™t find a video link yet. 30% of their stroke patients are coming up Covid positive, many of them without obvious Covid symptoms. They are wearing modified suits blowing filtered air out their masks because with time so important they are operating without waiting for the test results.

I will link later when they post online unless someone else here finds it. It may be a national reporter with a philly tag due to the doctor being local.

This is just one nasty nasty virus. All of this ā€œonly the olds dieā€ is so frustrating

A itā€™s heinous all by itself
B itā€™s not true. The full picture is going to be so bad.

Literally a US President is going to single handedly shorten the Average lifespan.

Iā€™m sorry I get So angry at bad science and really angry at those that excuse it.

Taking a timeout.


On March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-33-20 2020, which required all residents of the state of California to shelter in place for all but essential activities such as grocery shopping, retrieving prescriptions from a pharmacy, or caring for relatives. This shelter-in-place order (SIPO), the first such statewide order issued in the United States, was designed to reduce COVID-19 cases and mortality. While the White House Task Force on the Coronavirus has credited the State of California for taking early action to prevent a statewide COVID-19 outbreak, no study has examined the impact of Californiaā€™s SIPO. Using daily state-level coronavirus data and a synthetic control research design, we find that Californiaā€™s statewide SIPO reduced COVID-19 cases by 144,793 to 232,828 and COVID-19 deaths by 1,836 to 4,969 during the first three weeks following its enactment. Conservative back of the envelope calculations suggest that there were approximately 2 to 4 job losses per coronavirus case averted and 113 to 300 job losses per life saved during this short-run post-treatment period.


2658 deaths and counting in the USA today. Will probably beat the old single day record by a few hundred. Seems like a great time to open the country back up.

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Family sues first responders for threatening to arrest a 16 year old for posting about probably having COVID on Instagram.

Cops steal a lot of valor for this ā€œfirst respondersā€ thing. Firefighters, ambulance drivers, paramedics, and health care workers = good first responders. I dunno what the cops are doing about covid, but theyā€™ll be getting a parade thrown for them apparently.

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Peak deaths was 10 days ago according to IMHE. LOL IMHE FOREVER AND ALWAYS.


Iā€™m seeing things on twitter about WHO and Wuhan Institute of Virology getting hacked but canā€™t find a legit source. Has anyone else seen chatter about this?

Just looking at Italyā€™s graph compared to ours, Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty certain that we average 1500+ deaths a day for the next month, and it will probably be even higher than that b/c people are already cracking, meeting together in large rallies, and a few states will open back. Official death #100k will probably happen towards the end of May. Probably gonna pass Vietnam War deaths before May starts and could pass WW1 before June.


60,308 deaths predicted by August 4. What a joke they are. That # will be passed before May.


Looks like they have kept changing the ā€œpeakā€ date but not their dumbass model. Looking forward to 1 day from peak update tomo. These modelers are literal murderers. Get fucked.


according to some link I donā€™t have handy they think only new york got the same strain as the one ravaging europeā€“everywhere else in USA#1 is apparently a milder one at least at the moment so we canā€™t quite extrapolate comparisons. This doesnā€™t change your point Iā€™m just nitpicking.

Whatever the issues with their model, IMHE made the critical error of assuming that preventative measures would be appropriately applied.

the model is total shit even including both what you posted and what Wheatrich did. Deaths outside of NY are hitting >2k today, which is by far an all time high.

Itā€™s literally going to kill 100k minimum because the dumbass media and Trump are too dumb to see how bad it is. And they are making decisions based on it. So great work and DIAGF IMHE modelers.


There are bats in upstate NY. Iā€™ve had three in my house the past 5 years.

Isnā€™t that what you want? As much testing as possible. Iā€™m not seeing the correlation. Also, it doesnā€™t appear to be close to true anyway. Russia+Germany+Italy alone have tested more.


Will take unlimited action and you get 2-1 that we go over 60,300 on worldometers by August 4, 2020. Dont give a fuck how unethical it is I hate this fucking country and have switched over to team coronavirus.

Does that make me evil? Probably but I canā€™t take this shit anymore.


Not even EmpireMaker is taking that bet.

Are there even any people who think weā€™ll stay under 100k by Aug. 4?

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