COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I’ll not say that I have any confidence that the administration is doing any of this competently, obviously. But blocking exports is a pretty rational thing to be doing, assuming that you have significant manufacturing capacity for the items in question. Obviously it would be nice to share what we have with Canada but it seems appropriate to make sure there is enough for the people in the US first. I’m sure that many other countries are doing the same thing.

If you don’t believe the Trump admin would seize shipments of whatever meant for NYC and divert them to Florida or wherever for political reasons or push a drug that some friend of Trump’s produces, you’re being a dumbass.

I’ll consider “dems do it too”, but “Trump wouldn’t do that” is loltastistic.

I don’t think I said anything about that? I just said that if the federal government is nationalizing PPE production and distribution, blocking exports seems standard.

Although if Trump is trying to get rich touting covid drugs that his friends make then he really, really should have picked one that costs more than twenty cents a dose…

So the Canadian “standard” response should be blocking our thousands of nurses that currently work in the US? Leveraging our isotopes until many, many of your cancer patients die?

Sure? And also do what Trudeau is doing, reminding America that Canada is a good friend and ally.

Blocking trade between Canada and the USA is almost as stupid as having States try to outbid each other for PPE.

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It shouldn’t be the standard response but in this case I think it’s the only response that might make Trump back down.


Would I have invoked the DPA, nationalized the production of PPE, blocked exports, and empowered agents of the federal governments to go throughout the world with gym bags full of hundos still warm from the Treasury printing press to buy/bribe planeloads of PPE, ventilators, ICU drugs, all that shit? You’re goddamn right I would have done that. Hopefully I would have been good enough at all that we could share our hoard with our friends and allies, and even the French. But who knows how much we need.

So it appears Italy and Spain may have peaked. Do we think USA #1 has done enough to keep this under control and peak soon? Seems like the general chatter out there is that the worst here is nearly over.

I suspect it isn’t and we still have at least a couple weeks under we see a peak overall here. Mostly because of the lax quarantine protocols here.

The National death rate doubling time is up to 4 days.

I’ve been following this guy for state updates. He has New York at 3.6 days.

Now the national doubling rate should continue to elongate as New York starts to level of (hopefully). NY will dominate the numbers. Left to be seen if Florida etc will change the math. Again my suspicion is that each state will tip at its own number and hold more or least constant for 3 weeks or so. (Assuming no state significantly changes their restrictions)

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Is it even possible for this much eggs, milk, and bread to be hoarded? Few people have extra full sized freezers. Production must be down. We seem to be peaking in covid cases. Covid deaths trail by 10 days or so. Free food lines trailing 3 months.

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Ya I don’t think it’s even close to peaking in North America yet. There’s just lots of cities where it’s just getting started.

I know Trolly discounted this but every Sunday over the last three we have seen a downtick or flattening of new cases and then the weekdays after it we see a huge surge. Which leads me to believe some of the cases that would normally be reported on Sunday get reported Monday for whatever reason. It also seems we are pretty much up against our testing limits. States like Oklahoma have only tested 3000 people total.

Blocking exports would be dumb and getting your cancer drugs or something else that’s crucial blocked in return would be the result of such stupidity. Controlling exports based on need? Maybe.

When Doug Ford makes you look like an asshole and an idiot …


Curves noticeably better out west.

So this. Ford is a galactic moron and even he makes trump look stupid. It’s impressive really.

I hope things continue to get better than the early projections, but I’m worried some states will figure out a way to make things way worse than they need to be.

Customers who wanted to postpone their upcoming project indefinitely a few weeks ago now want to discuss possibly moving ahead. They admit the job is very non-essential, but are wondering if the work could proceed anyway since it would be outdoors.

No consideration for the not-trivial ancillary contact and exposure their project would require. No questions about whether I’m personally comfortable doing the project right now. They just want to know what they can get away with and assume I’ll go along.

Fuck people. Fuck them all so hard.