COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Agree. I’m sure they’re not intentionally unreliable. But when you just provide a list, you really can’t adjust on the fly when things are not in stock, like you can when you go to the store yourself. If the things you really want aren’t available, you can switch to an improvised plan b when you go to the store in person.

Would not want him attending me. Stupid publicity stunt. When I think about how rusty I can be after two weeks’ holiday, I shudder to think what a few years would do. Not that he’ll be given anything but make-work, presumably. You have an actual job (for now), you sap, fucking do it.

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There’s room for optimism in the Czech Republic.

Yesterday, there were only 110 new infections. This is the lowest number in two weeks. While it’s true that there were fewer tests, it still doesn’t change the fact that the detection ratio was just 2.44% which is the lowest it’s been since March 9th.

There is some debate over whether or not to start loosening the restrictions currently in place regarding the quarantine within the next week or two. The Deputy Minster of Health wants to do it while the Minister of the Interior and the Prime Minister disagree.

As much as I hate quarantine, a week is IMO not enough time. Sure things are looking up but this is just the beginning. This thing can be passed to others by asymptomatic carriers. It’s not like an effective treatment has been developed either. This would be a genuinely bad idea.


Grunching, but based on number one, I’d say it’s very difficult to win. Nothing you have described sounds like the employer is intentionally trying to force your friend out. But I don’t practice in California, so maybe their courts have interpreted number one broadly.

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Your friend should try to find someone that practices employment law in CA or legal aid, they would be able to give her a better idea of her options.

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That’s what my people got.

I’d rather see something clever like this versus all of the somber bullshit every company now has in their new ads.

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Seriously. Fuck you, McDonalds, you’re not operating your drive throughs because you care about the safety and well-being of your customers/employees. DIAGF.

98 out of 100 patients with Covid who took it showed improvement and recovered

Mortality rate is 2%

Game changer

gg coronavirus

Edit: I took those statistics out of my ass using white house protocol


We need ranked choice shopping.


The fauci smear campaign is strong out in the derposphere.

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bitch, please. he’s not even a good economist.

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I’d trust a bad economist’s grasp of statistics over an average physician’s. (Not Navarro and Fauci in particular though).

Proud of the way we coming across here

I was disappointed with their regular chicken too. Sandwich is good. It wasn’t worth the hype, but how could it be?

I’ve never had KFC primarily because I don’t understand the menu and don’t want to look dumb. There are buckets and banquets and boneless basket options. I can’t make head nor tail of it.

I mean what did people think command and control measures to nationalize the production and distribution of PPE and medical supplies would look like? Certainly toes will get stepped on – private stockpiles seized, exports blocked, etc.

Bro Canada creates 100% of the medical isotopes for your cancer therapies. This isn’t a game either side should be playing.

I didn’t expect the ■■■■ in the white house to tell the states that it’s up to them to buy the shit, and then when they do have the Feds seize the purchases to send to red states (through a process which ensures maximum profits). In a normal functioning govt. the Feds would control and distribute by priority, and would include the needs of our allies in the decision-making process.

MA had to send an armed convey to get masks through to NYC. You’re a god damned moron if you think anything is normal about that.