COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Man, would it really be so hard for the federal gov to just pay these people extra money as a reward for their sacrifice?

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Iā€™ve heard a few times that the feds are seizing shipments from states - every time itā€™s a blue state. These fucking monsters are telling blue states to fuck off and order their own supplies, letting them pay for it, then legit fucking seizing them at the portsā€¦ only shoe left to drop is redirecting them to Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, etcā€¦ free of charge.

Itā€™s fucking treason. Itā€™s fucking insane. While the loss of life it will cause is first and foremost, obviously, itā€™s also going to fuck up these states budgets to just lose all that money - and that will cost lives, tooā€¦ itā€™ll just be harder to count.

At what point does a blue state governor call in the state police as armed guards for their shipments? Weā€™re seriously drawing live to shots fired on US soil between a state and the feds if this keeps up, full stop. If Iā€™m a governor theyā€™re getting away with this exactly ONE fucking time before Iā€™m sending dudes with guns.

I mean for fuckā€™s sake, where are the calls for impeachment over this? Where are the calls of treason?


Iā€™m sure the Republicans donā€™t care as long as the numbres are in doubt through the election.

About 95% of people donā€™t understand variance. They think if thereā€™s a 5% chance of something itā€™s never going to happen. This is why people get FURIOUS at the weatherman when he calls for a 60% chance of rain and it doesnā€™t rain. ā€œHE SAID IT WOULD RAIN!ā€ No, my man, he said it was slightly more likely than a coin flip.

So when people see a 1% death rate they think ā€œOh no big deal, no way itā€™s going to kill me.ā€

They donā€™t have the advantage of seeing thousands of poker hands to teach them otherwise, though.

Iā€™m in Philly in an apartment building thatā€™s probably only about 70% occupied, but Iā€™ve been avoiding the elevators when at all possible for at least two weeks now - and Iā€™m on the sixth floor, so thatā€™s a pain in the ass, but well worth it and added benefit of burning a few calories when I go to get the mail.

oh yeah BIG CHLOROQUINE is absolutely salivating here

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obv i like fried chicken (doesnt everyone?) but it isnt so much of a thing here. Iā€™ve never had Popeyeā€™s. The only good fried chicken Iā€™ve had has been restaurants.

I may have talked before about the nosedive in KFCā€™s chicken gravy quality. Back when it was Kentucky Fried Chicken, the gravy was a thing to behold. Youā€™d eat a bowl of it on its own, not like now, where itā€™s thin and quite flavourless.

Then they left Ireland sometime in the early '90s. But a bunch of the franchisees struck out on their own, Texas Fried Chicken, Southern Fried Chicken. The quality of the gravy (the main consideration tbh) varies a lot. Thereā€™s only one crowd to get the old style chicken gravy exactly right, thick as hell with lumps in it, Hillbillies. If they delivered, Iā€™m convinced theyā€™d take over the market, as their chips are also pretty good and their chicken is excellent. KFC, now? I donā€™t know what the fuck theyā€™re doing and I doubt they do, either.

I donā€™t love KFC, Popeyeā€™s is clearly better quality.

I donā€™t love them either tho. Iā€™ve never had one of their sandwiches (which is spicy or plain mayoā€™d), but the regular chicken is bland imo.

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COVID-19 (2): Turns out itā€™s going to be pretty bad actually apart from the fried chicken


Damn it

From a great '70 New Yorker profile of him.

Despite all these pleasing developments, the Colonel cannot rest easy. A perfectionist in an imperfect world, he dreams of fried chicken so golden and delicious that it will bring tears to the eyes of a grown man, and of cracklinā€™ gravy so sublime that, he says, ā€œitā€™ll make you throw away the durn chicken and just eat the gravy.ā€ During most of his waking hours, the Colonel is haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, is doing something to hurt his chickenā€”that some upstart in the company is tampering with the recipe, or that a careless franchisee is undercooking or overcooking. The Colonel is vexed almost beyond endurance by the subject of gravy. The gravy now served by the K.F.C. franchisees is good, but it isnā€™t the Colonelā€™s. ā€œLetā€™s face it, the Colonelā€™s gravy was fantastic, but you had to be a Rhodes Scholar to cook it,ā€ a company executive has explained. ā€œIt involved too much time, it left too much room for human error, and it was too expensive.ā€ This attitude is incomprehensible to the Colonel, who believes that making money is a reward for the virtuous, not a matter of cost accounting. Besides, he would rather have memorable gravy than extra profits. ā€œIf you were a franchisee turning out perfect gravy but making very little money for the company,ā€ another K.F.C. executive has remarked, ā€œand I was a franchisee making lots of money for the company but serving gravy that was merely excellent, the Colonel would think that you were great and I was a bum. With the Colonel, it isnā€™t money that counts, itā€™s artistic talent.ā€

The Colonel cannot change the gravy policy, because he sold the company in 1964. (He still serves on its board of directors, and he receives a handsome salary for his food advice and his public-relations activities.) However, though he has relinquished control of the company, the Colonel retains considerable moral authority with K.F.C. executives and franchisees, all of whom revere him as a food genius, love him for inventing a product that has made them rich, and fear his terrible wrath. The Colonel doesnā€™t hesitate to exploit these feelings in the gravy issue, apparently reasoning that if he canā€™t force the franchisees to reinstate the old gravy, he can at least make them uncomfortable about the new. During his travels on company business, he will occasionally pay an unexpected visit to a K.F.C. outlet in order to inspect the kitchen and sample the gravy. If the gravy meets his low expectations, he delivers one of his withering gravy critiques, sometimes emphasizing his points by banging his cane on whatever furniture is handy. Months or even years after these ordeals, franchisees wince at the memory of such a gravy judgment from the Colonel as ā€œHow do you serve this God-damned slop? With a straw?ā€

Imagine what heā€™d think of todayā€™s developments.


LMAO heā€™d be devastated. And now Iā€™m just thinking, what the hell was his gravy like? Some nectar of paradise chicken gravy.

The Colonel is vexed almost beyond endurance by the subject of gravy.

I honestly donā€™t blame him, it was always the big draw. Iā€™ve placed whole orders and cancelled right at the end when they tell me theyā€™re out of gravy. Theyā€™re not even mad, they know the gravy is it.

I actually have a couple friends working in pretty shitty conditions. One of them in a warehouse where her and one other person are the only people wearing masks, and nobody is taking it seriously and social distancing is not enforced. This made me hopeful because I want her to quit ASAP but she needs to have an income.

And to be clear this isnā€™t like a food warehouse or anything, they ship clothes and preworkout stuff like protein shakes etc. Iā€™m guessing the pre-workout meals stuff is allowing them to dodge the non essential shutdown.

it looks like itā€™d be pretty hard to do though.

To succeed on a claim for constructive discharge, you must be able to prove at least three elements :

  1. Your employer was trying to force you to resign by intentionally and knowingly creating an employment environment that was intolerable and aggravated;
  2. This unbearable, hostile workplace gave you no choice but to resign; and,
  3. Your employer was motivated to get rid of you for illegal, retaliatory or discriminatory reasons.

Do lawyers think the lack of masks & no social distancing would be enough? She canā€™t really prove theyā€™re doing it to her on purpose because they arenā€™t, theyā€™re just cheap evil bastards.

If anyone else has suggestions on how I can help please let me know. One thing is she is pretty overweight. Doesnā€™t have diabetes or any comorbidities, but it does look like there is a possible link with being overweight and bad outcomes.

Also they havenā€™t gotten any raises. They have provided gloves and took a couple people off picking and have them cleaning the place with soap and water mixtures, which Iā€™m not even sure is effective?

Italy saw the first decline in number of ICU patients yesterday.


Iā€™ve only gotten takeout a couple times in the past month. Both from the pizza place closest to me. We tried to get Chinese food last night, but the two closest places (one is next to the pizza joint, within walking distance from my house) are closed for the time being. I didnā€™t feel like calling around to other restaurants.

Probably going to have to go grocery shopping today or tomorrow. I want to do grocery delivery/pickup, but itā€™s so unreliable. You never know what theyā€™ll actually have in stock on the day. They say to get enough for 2 weeks, but thatā€™s easier said than done when you have a family of four home all day, every day. Itā€™s been less than two weeks since my last trip and we could make it a few more days, but a) Iā€™d rather not wait until the fridge is empty, and b) Iā€™d rather not dip into all the canned goods unless we have to (though we have used some in the normal course of preparing meals).



I think those really bad estimates assumed no social distancing and just carrying on as is. Itā€™s just propaganda and manipulation of the data by Trumpkin conspiracy theorists.

The Patriots truck carrying the masks to NYC was escorted by MA and RI state police.