COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Some of that is a problem and there should be some solution for that, but where I am they are mostly only limited paper products and some places bread. Canned food was limited at one place early on, but I haven’t seen that since.

You need to move to another country.

Seriously. If this bothers you so much. Move

My mother isn’t moving. My wife’s mother or father aren’t - so neither is she. My 20yo daughter isn’t and neither is my 17yo. So…not yet anyway.

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You are one hundred percent right Bryce. Whataburger Rules.

Milk, eggs, chicken and lots of other stuff been limited here.

Surgeon General tweet from February 1st.

My 17yo has a close friend whose parents got it - tested positive. The dad is now recovered and tested negative. The mom is still testing positive, but is doing ok. My daughter’s friend was tested and tested negative. She’s been living with her parents.

Nobody should be forced to work in these circumstances. People should be able to quit and get unemployment.



Interesting read. Wish I had read anything half as encouraging about the fish tank cleaner Trump is pedaling but they have actually been testing this with control groups and seeing encouraging results.

Think their trial runs through June.

The are actually testing the fish tank cleaner in controlled trials all over the world.

Tesla is apparently creating their own ventilator instead of mass producing ones that already exist.

Yes we just announced a test is about to begin in Detroit.

It is weird though, that the company who paid Michael Cohen 1.2 million dollars to access trump also makes the fish tank cleaner.


They only let you buy 2 cartons of eggs, 2 gallons of milk per customer.

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Way past my bed time but I encourage people to avoid twitter. My time line is egregiously depressing tonight/this morning.

Limited to 3 of any type here.

3 of any milk
3 chicken or duck


I mean, people may not go back to normal in July, but once we have a vaccine or treatment, people are’t going to be wearing masks all the time.

The only way the staff get a chance to be heard, at least in most places, is if the guests tell the owners what they want/expect. If the staff comes back and is like, nah, we don’t want that… fine. If the guests just keep their mouth shut and go about their day to day, there’s pretty much no way anything is changing.

Also, IMO the people most likely to adjust their spending habits from this are the people who already save/invest more than most. I guess the others may shift somewhat, like they may realize that foregoing bars/restaurants/movies for a while means spending a lump sum on a trip or great seats for a game or something… But I think people who are inclined to think about saving up already do so.

Maybe the exception is people decide to put together more of an emergency fund, then let it sit, but that’s more of a short-term change, not a long-term shift in spending habits. (Although it would take some a while to build it up.)

I’ve been kicking myself for not hoarding masks in early February to donate to local hospitals. Like, next time this happens, the pro-societal move is to beat the hoarders and eBay flippers to the punch, stockpile, and then give them to hospitals. (And keep a couple for your efforts if you so desire.)

This will take time, but it will happen. It’s how we started to get a grip on the actual death toll from Hurricane Maria.