COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Guy on CNBC dumbfounded about this

You can’t count what you don’t measure.



The two most widely-viewed cable news shows in the United States — Hannity and Tucker Carlson Tonight, both on Fox News – originally took very different stances on the risks associated with the novel coronavirus. While Hannity downplayed the threat during the initial period of the virus’ spread in the United States, Tucker Carlson Tonight warned its viewers that the virus posed a serious threat from early February. In this paper, we show that differential exposure to these two shows affected behavior and downstream health outcomes.

New paper: “Viewership of Hannity relative to Tucker Carlson Tonight is strongly associated with a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the early stages of the pandemic.”


I’ll be quite surprised if the official count goes up to two million. Mind you, all this could change when they start opening things up.

Well just as long as I can soon book another luxury cruise to make me feel like I’m way more successful than I really am (even if it is as boring as fuck), that’s all that matters.

But wouldn’t that mean the IFR is around 10%? But the IFR is nowhere near 10% right?

It’s not often that Diane Abbott tweets something worth posting, so make the most of it:


We have no clue what the IFR rate is since we aren’t testing random samples of people. True number is definitely not going to be anything like 10%.

Yes. Basically much more surface area as the geometries were actually quite similar. The glass also conducts heat better to air. Thick walled big plastic tanks insulate.

I did take pchem for idiots.

Less than $0 a barrel is nothing any parent has on us now.


I’m still getting 115k. I have not done state my state but suspect that we will see some stalls and maybe even small rises in the Deaths per day curve due to non NY areas peaking, reclassification, etc. Add on SC et all opening…



I was not aware about this on standard N95s. When you exhale there is no filter. 95% protection for the wearer. Virtually none others. Makes sense for hospital workers.

Good suggestions in the article or twitter thread
1 if you use an N95 to go to the store, put a cotton barrier over the valve
2 if you see someone standing near wearing an N95 with the valve uncovered, run
3. Give any unused N95s to people that need them and get yourself a cloth mask.


I didn’t know that either - great info.

Tucker Carlson is…saving lives?

So we’re looking at a very significant underestimate of the number of people infected, right?

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Most certainly. We’re only testing people who feel sick. We have no clue how many people caught it and felt fine or thought it was a regular cold.