COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I will take delivery at $4 per

Why so that when you can get PAIDDDDDDD

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Deleted stupid comment about buying the oil futures.

Not sure I should answer that without a lawyer in the room.

At least let me watch the season finale of Better Call Saul tonight and Iā€™ll either get back to you or buy another vacuum cleaner.

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$4 per barrel. When was the last time that happened?

probably the mid-80s oil glut

edit: nope, 1973

  • The Food and Drug Administration has allowed about 90 companies, many based in China, to sell tests that have not gotten government vetting, saying the pandemic warrants an urgent response. But the agency has since warned that some of those businesses are making false claims about their products; health officials, like their counterparts overseas, have found others deeply flawed.*

You know what I hate about you @Riverman ? You wonā€™t say what you really feel about something.


Thatā€™ll be nice when people start dumping oil like they are with milk.

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So youā€™re jumping off the Standing Rock bandwagon? :stuck_out_tongue:

This happens a lotā€¦first Iā€™m sarcastic and then I canā€™t tell if the response is sarcastic.

Iā€™m aware you are not actually in favor of opening the relief valves.

Having multiple screens for the cards and then big giant buttons you can press to check, bet, or raise would be nice. Might even help the game to simplify no limit a bit and only offer bets of certain % of pot. And lights that people can clearly see so they know what your action is.

The old system failed because people were looking at screens. A successful system will have their eyes moving around the table. But I think people will really want chips and cards. And frankly itā€™s breath anyways. Sitting next to unmasked people is going to expose you, period.

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The larger surface to volume ratio of the beaker allows better heat transfer from the contents.

$4 a barrel isnā€™t cool. You know whatā€™s cool? 1 cent per gallon.


WTI May @ -120%, theyā€™ll pay you about $3.50 a barrel just to roll it home


Refurbished 55 gallon barrel still costs about $50.

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Still on pace to flatten off at just over a million total cases in the US. Number of deaths is hard because they tweaked the numbers a few days back and thatā€™s throwing everything off. Best guess is like 80k.


The day is young, itā€™s down -297% at -$35 so they may throw in the barrel at this point

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Not millions? Iā€™m shocked.