COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

It makes more sense than you think. Pokertek tried introducing electronic tables ten years ago – got Phil Laak to promote it, even – and it completely flopped.

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Yea I played on one of those table one time at I think Excalibur. It was terrible.

An insurmountable issue with respect to poker is that most people who play live poker are physically disgusting scumbags with atrocious hygiene and no concept of caring about other humans.


The number of people who should be at the same poker table based on experts is exactly zero. So this list is fine and all but completely negated by that one inconvenient fact.

Most Vegas casinos (at least the ones on the strip) were in horrible financial condition prior to Covid-19. I don’t see many of them surviving this outside of bankruptcy reorganization and there is a good chance many of them are shuttered at least until after this is over.

Cuomo update on New York state

Recent daily deaths
April 8: 799
April 9: 777
April 10: 783
April 11: 758
April 12: 671
April 13: 778
April 14: 758
April 15: 606
April 16: 630
April 17: 540
April 18: 507
April 19: 478


Not really seeing how live poker is not going to be an all or nothing proposition. In other words, a vaccine or a cure is required or forget it. And playing the WSOP? What? If anything, now is the time to use it as a springboard to lobbying for legal online poker.

Social distancing, it works! Hooray! Time to cut that shit out and GET BACK TO BUSINESS.


My understanding is Vegas casinos were doing fine except for their absurd debt levels.

Ever? What do you think the state of casinos and covid-19 will be in 5 years? 10 years?

Why not?

With his casinos closed, and after he suspended the Sands’ dividend the other day, let Sheldon do the GOP arm-twisting. After all, he was the largest GOP donor the last 2 cycles, and it sounds like he could use the online rake to pay dividends again.

jman has made his opinion on this clear



They will be able to get bailouts.

So what does the probationary period look like: readings from Ludwig and Murray, gold-panning and newsletter sales and distribution with Ron and Rand, endless navel-gazing through sleeveless leather vests?


That’s the guy from Seinfeld, right?

I think he means A/B testing is indicating many more are infected, not that the testing caused infections.

I read it the other way too at first.

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I’m actually just about at the end of that game. Nearly max level as of now.

At a point where I can choose my own destiny.

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Haha. Huge number of folks infected as detected by AB. Testing.

Or it’s a conspiracy to kill libtards in SF.

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Dad, oil was $4 per barrel? Yep.

Haven’t been following this, but WTF is going on? Why is WTI so much lower than Brent?

Futures expire tomorrow which means if you are left holding the bag you have to take physical delivery of it. No one wants to or has the capacity to.