COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Liberty or death.


Honestly if they’re ever going to reopen casinos at least somewhat safely it needs to be without chips and cards you can touch. All the tables are going to need to be electronic. Everyone swapping physical chips and cards is just too big of a vector.

I assume this only narrowly beat out “Technically It’s Ephebophilia”.


Not that I’m disagreeing, but at that point, what’s even the point of the casino then?


Those mentally ill whackadoos look like a fairly representative sample of Republican leaders, and their sentiment is echoed by no less than the President of the United States, so yes, I would say reporting on them is newsworthy.

Would still be a social event. Live people sitting at a table with you. You’re just getting rid of the chips and cards. I mean, slot machines used to all pay out actual coins and they changed over to electronic without much fuss.

And just like that we have an answer. Ready for this?

She got through to the health department and they asked her what date she was tested and who she has been in contact with since. She said “I didn’t know I was tested, but I was swabbed for flu in Feb and had lab work two weeks ago”.

He said “oh wow. Your paperwork here says positive for Flu A. Somebody just put it in the COVID-19 pile by accident. I am so sorry.”

So it was a county health board mistake. And my day and a half of hoping we already had this and are immune was all a cruel joke.


Yuuup. I’m as far from the beach as I can be and still live in South Carolina thankfully (Oconee County) – but you should hear the people at work whining and moaning about wanting things opened up. Even worse, most of them are older, so they’re the ones more at risk. Combining that with half my factory’s refusal to wear their masks properly/management’s lack of enforcement/watering down our hand sanitizer - these people are going to end up having regrets.

This is not a counterpoint. The rush to reopen the economy is devastatingly unpopular because it makes no sense:

Republicans are pursuing these kinds of policies they are led by Donald Trump who is flailing to salvage his reelection prospects by spinning some kind of blame-shifting dodge to cover up his disastrous failures. The lie being propped up by the media for narrative purposes is that Trump is representing some “side” of public opinion. First, we had the narrative that Trump was representing economists who wanted to see GDP go up regardless of the cost in human life (false: economists uniformly think this is crazy). Now, we have the story that Trump’s reopening is responsive to popular discontent with the quarantine, as evidenced by these protests. Again, not true. The public understands the need to continue the quarantine better than any other political issue out there. The protests are being manufactured by Trump’s political allies to give some semblance of political cover to Trump’s wildly unpopular maneuverings. That is the story, not the idea that Trump supporters are some “death cult” that wants the quarantine to end. They don’t.



Somebody tell Ivanka this is what actual good looking nepotism barbies are doing:


who dat

Princess of Finland?

2 of those 3 words are wrong, but I’m close.


Princess Sofia, Duchess of VĂ€rmland (born Sofia Kristina Hellqvist ; 6 December 1984), is a member of the Swedish royal family. Before marrying Prince Carl Philip and becoming a princess of Sweden in 2015, Sofia was a glamour model and reality television contestant.

Same has started happening in the Czech Republic as well.

Granted, we’re still wearing masks and practicing social distancing but non-essential places are beginning to open.

The Czech government is pretty awful but they’ve been mostly able to put quarrels aside for the time being.

What’s crazy is that people will think opening early is unsafe and will kill people but still support Trump.

It’s like watching those people lose their farm because of Trump’s policies but then vote for him anyway. The Dirty Money episode about Kushner where he evicts a couple that supports Trump despite the horrible treatment.

I know this makes no sense but not having physical chips in front of me would take most of the fun out of it for me

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My current customer - the job I walked off of last month - is a gun-totin’, Trump-lovin’ dipshit who continues to believe this is all overblown. He keeps pressuring me to come back to finish the job, usually in between comments about all the stupid shit he’s doing instead of staying home. His only information sources are Fox, talk radio, and his fellow dumb fuck friends he still meets at the bars that aren’t supposed to be open.

You are very much mistaken if you think these protests don’t represent a significant segment of popular sentiment.

I imagine sheer force of outcry would mean people could bring at least a small roll of personal chips to clink and play around with, on the understanding that they have no value at the table and can’t be passed around for any purpose whatsoever.

This is the Wynn plan for reopening.

I feel bad for all of the pros/semi pros who truly rely on live poker for income, but anyone else who shows up to a casino on the first day of reopening should probably get a problem gambler referral.

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