COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

To provide more context for the uninitiated, Stone Mountain is a park with a huge monument to the Confederate Army carved into the side of the mountain – also used as a screen for laser light shows when the weather is nice.

Man if states don’t start doing something to help the prison population this thing is going to kill a lot of people and very few will care with many actively rooting for it


Sadly some derpish people I know barely care about old folks homes tragedies. Inmates deserve it I guess.

Eliza from Survivor is a PD in NYC and she is always tweeting about Rikers. Seems like she is going to run against Vance for DA. I assume she has no shot.


Eliza is a weirdly good twitter follow.

Do you even Florida bro?

What the hell is SC guy thinking? Has to be high on the DERP supply. Opening beaches is insane.

Can’t wait for the horrific second wave in September when everyone starts fucking and sucking again. The “quarantine is over!” parties are going to kill so many people.

Pretty sure 2nd wave will be here by memorial day weekend.

I can assure you the private prison industry cares. Whether that’s enough to get something done about it is another matter.

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Love reading up on the Anti-Mask league and the swells of anti-vaxxers in the 1910’s. Dumb gonna dumb.

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I hope they haven’t done something morbid and gross, but not, to my knowledge, illegal, such as take out life insurance policies on their prisoners.

Texted a bit this morning with my RN friend in AL who works at the chicken processing plant. They’re up to 4 confirmed cases in her facility. It’s still up and running. There is another facility owned by the same company about 30 miles away that has 86 confirmed cases. They are also still up and running! Unreal.

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Florida is as Florida does

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Just was listening in the car to MSNBC. Whatever dipshit expert they are interviewing:

The AB tests are inconsistent and there is a significant false positive rate

New studies are suggesting that there are huge numbers of folks that have been infected by AB testing

Discusses what that could mean re herd immunity and IFR without paying attention to what he just said himself about problems with the test.

This is exactly what my Yabut post was about the other day.

Grrrrrrr. Danspartan is angry.

Well hopefully we will be smarter than lemmings and watch those idiots die and the rest of us can be smarter.

Never been happier to have a blue governor. Maybe we get a tidal wave election this fall and many state legislatures flip. Bonus is redrawing districts from 2020 census.

SF was one of the cities that at first took precautions and didn’t get hit hard. St. Louis too. Famously Philadelphia didn’t take precautions and was hit hard in the first wave. SF and Stl both got hit the next year much more than Philadelphia. Point being everywhere got it eventually and only some level of immunity stopped it.

No update yet, she didn’t get through to the health board when she called this morning.

She is in South Jersey, works at a Philadelphia hospital that gets a lot of international patients, and was treated at a different Philadelphia hospital. Really hoping the positive test was from then and she’s in the clear now. I’ll update when I hear more.

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NYC just cancelled all city events for June, including the Puerto Rican Day Parade


Lol, citation or ban IMO. Bloomberg wasn’t even a topic of discussion back on 2 plus 2, at least not one that I was ever involved with. Back before the move here he was just some random ex-mayor. You’re just making stuff up and using “ignore” as a way not to back up your bullshit claims.

Apparently the dude on the right is in his probationary period (pledging) in a biker gang called The Libertarians. Lamest biker gang ever. Imagine having to pledge and not even being able to wear the jacket for a year or w/e.