COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Presumably they’re based in Australia during the season, and the Wellington nomenclature is more an indication of their roots?

Nope. They fly back and forth all season. Home games in Wellington.

You need to play high enough to be able to fully focus, and low enough to be able to fully pull the trigger at all the right times. Of course, there can also be adjustments - like if there’s a game that’s too big for me to pull the trigger but it’s got 3 whales, I can nit it up and make a great hourly. But you have to be smart about it and not back yourself into corners strategically if that’s your plan.

My guess is <5% of live pros are properly rolled, and most of the ones who can pull the trigger despite that are able to do so for all the wrong reasons.

There’s also a little trick/skill to being able to steel yourself to pull the trigger in the moment even if you aren’t quite ready.


Nope. I normally book a house in February for the WSOP, obviously haven’t booked it and can’t imagine feeling safe enough to go. The WSOP would be like a tailor made COVID-19 super spreading zone.

My guess is they end up moving it to the fall, if possible, and cutting it down to ~15 events with a focus on higher buyin, small field events.

Read another interview with a professor for radiology and how the infection shows up on the pictures from CT and so on. Seriously gtfo with herd immunity. In the first weeks I was like “would be good be infected and be asymptomatic” but he said the lungs show morbid changes even on asymptomatic people. They are also surprised how early these changes are visible when people still just have a sore throad and are coughing. You feel good despite your lungs are already in pretty bad shape. He said people can show up to the emergency room and have to be intubated just 30 mins later.

People who thought going for herd immunity without knowing what the virus does are playing russian roulette with more than just one bullet in the chambers.

Its in german unfortunately. Maybe you find similar stuff in english.

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That must put them at a huge disadvantage but I don’t suppose they have much choice.

True about diabetes, I’ve never been diagnosed or had any major symptoms but I wouldn’t be surprised if I was pre-diabetic. One of my first thoughts about my personal quarantine was to make the most of the time to work on my health and fitness, so I’m going hard in that regard anyway.

As for asthma, I think the analysis was done on a Chinese report that either had 0% or N/A for asthma in people with COVID-19 or who died of it. Not sure of the exact details, but 0% makes me think it just wasn’t screened for. Seems impossible that asthma confers immunity.

I also recall pulling up the first report from China that was translated and searching for the word asthma and finding it 0 times.

So my common sense guess is someone read that, assumed it was screened for, assigned it a value of 0, and in the Internet medical community game of telephone, some details fell through the cracks.

Obviously it’s impossible to say for sure how similarly other respiratory viruses behave to COVID-19, but normal colds move into my lungs a really high percentage of the time, either in the form of bronchitis or a weeks-long cough.

It’s not that bad, they have to make the Australia - New Zealand trip much more than everyone else, but there’s games once a week, so they have plenty of time to recover between games. The trip to Wellington that everyone else has to make is just as tough, so they have impressive home field advantage.

Also this underlines the isolation of Perth, they are in the same position as Wellington, the trip to Adelaide (their closest neighbour) is a 3 to 3.5 hour flight. Look at NZ and Australia on Google Maps and you’ll see what I mean. Perth just has desert between them and Australia rather than ocean.

I’m really curious to hear more about this, which test triggered it, etc. That’s right around the time I got sick with a weird cold that lasted a while. What part of NJ is she in? I’m quite curious if there was significant community spread in the Philly/South Jersey region dating back to late February.

Hopefully if she actually tested positive it was from 2/20 and she’s in the clear!

Yeah I know a little about Perth - I worked with a guy from Southern Cross once who was like a wild man let loose in London, and it was great fun.

He only ended up in London because his gf went travelling and asked him to come out and meet her because she had some news for him, which he took to mean she agreed to marry him, so came out on a single ticket. On his arrival here she told him she wanted to break up. Incredible.


Jesus, that is brutal, lol.

In other Australia news, the airline Virgin Australia is reportedly set to go into voluntary administration tomorrow. They had been losing money for years and cannot service their debt. This leaves Australia with only one major airline (Qantas, of course).

Ideally I’d like all airline workers to be protected and the airlines to either go bust or their billionaire owners to stump up the cash to keep their business afloat during quarantine.

Branson coming out with his begging bowl is disgusting.

ETA the relevant part of the article isn’t shown here in the post preview.

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This can’t be right, can it? I know the KHL has teams in Riga and Vladivostok.

In a further bizarre twist…

Is the the same Feltstein from 2p2?

Here is the update on my model. The active cases are starting to come down. Matches the timing very well. (All covid tracking 4pm data)

I’m very pleased on how it’s holding up so far. I haven’t had to tweak anything at all.

Math works.


When do you think the numbers will start going back up after red States open? Memorial Day?

Here is my guess assuming a May 1 opening with the growth daily multiplier returning to 1.1 (early social distancing, unlimited was 1.3). Then I gave it a one week plateau at 1.0 and then back to the current 0.97.

Again this is whole country so hopefully it’s a bit of exaggeration of what is likely to happen because I don’t expect the heavily hit blue states to attempt that early.

Even if it’s only 20% as bad it’s really bad.

(For sanity I’m trying to limit my time on this, request from the wife-obsessed Dan is no fun to be around)- so no state by state granularity so far.


San Francisco had a “Spanish Flu is over” Parade on Nov 21, 2018 and then it came back with a vengeance in early January and they had twice as many deaths with the 2nd wave. So if it’s anything like that, then it will probably lag 6-7 weeks from when the idiots take to the streets in droves.

Well I’m not going to lie, I read it once on some website. I didn’t check the veracity myself. Possibly it was the biggest distance between teams in soccer leagues, actually.