COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

That would be the one.

Here’s a picture of the crowd.

Very few people know the large part that Washington State played in the civl war. Lots of blood was shed at the battle of Mt. Baker.


Might be a different basement than micro visited though. He’s had a couple of new houses over the last 10 years.

I actually have an n99 mask and can confirm its an absolute motherfucker to breath in. I rock it whenever my mom gets super antsy about me getting stuff from the store than instacart fails to get.

Pretty disappointing to learn most of you were SNG fish.


A lot of us moved on to cash games or MTTs or both, but still posted in STTF for another decade or more. ChrisV was another early STFF’er that has made it to this forum.

I was legit curious when I asked wirelessbro about that shit. It’s fascinating to me. We even have some, kind of, though AFAIK it’s just a hazy association of Cork as “the Rebel county” with perceived ‘rebelliousness’ in the Confederacy. As in I doubt too many Cork fans would start talking about heritage not hate etc.

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I think there are windows behind Cha, so not a basement, but it looks like maybe 1/2 below grade. I think where I was was a full basement, but it was about 10 years ago. He did have more hair.

I stopped playing SNGs when Party kicked off Americans which was quite a while before Black Friday. Not ashamed though. I stared in the $11s and ended up in the $215s, then went to cash for a couple/few years.

IIRC, he has a bunch of national records for his age. He has a log on 22. He’s pretty open about his training and pharmaceutical regimen – it’s all there. He seems like a nice and helpful guy (especially when it comes to helping people lift), but he has some very scientifically questionable thoughts. Chief among those is that chiropractic is a sound, evidence-based medical practice. But what he does works for him, and he is strong as fuck.

2004 reg for me as well

Absolute rubbish! You’re falling for garbage lines with this take. You’re becoming a total both-sides person.

There are lots of VERY competent political systems. I’ll take Jacinda Ardern as supreme world leader for a start

Stop throwing your hands in the air and giving up!

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He’s a super nice guy.

I wasn’t that much of a squatter and didn’t try too hard because I didn’t want to hurt myself. I was kicking ass in his basement on some leg thing and he wouldn’t let me do any higher weights because he was afraid I’d hurt myself.

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She’s a person, not a system. How about Stefan Löfven?

Heritage, not hate!

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Who gives a fuck. It’s better than trying to outsmart each other and throwing our hands in the air.
Or we can twiddle and outsmart each other about who’s actually the bestest of the best.
Sure, he’s the best. Let’s move on.

Lorde knows what you’re on about



For those who haven’t seen the video of when this pic was taken.


I worked in same Dept as a bunch of PhD chemists and physicists. Damn smart people, mostly. But one new grad, who I’m sure knew his chemistry, decided to run a ball milling machine on some new propellant or explosive formulation without setting up access controls to the bay he was using. So our people were walking back and forth past it for a while until a technician started asking questions. Chemist was laid off after just a few months. The techs were not sad to see him go.