COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I was never that good but I covered my rent in Toronto for at least a year grinding SNGs. That was a big boost for me that early in my career, I was just a couple of years out of school.

Getting a science Ph.D is a suckerā€™s game.

Grow corn?

1st time I played Internet poker I had only played around 5 games in live MTT holdā€™em and started at $100ā€¦Thats not a brag BTW. :flushed:

I think I lost a buy inā€¦ After around 30 gamesā€¦ Honestly I couldnā€™t hold a mouse nevermind 2 cards.


Still remember my last hand 33 V KQ when 4 left, 1 guy folded and I pushed on the Chip leader who called with KQā€¦ Chips were 2850 V 5000 give or take 25 lolā€¦

Crypto Poker ftw :rofl:

My SIL is HR for a memory care facility in Toledo. 12 dead and another 25 infected. They donā€™t even have the 12 confirmed as they have not been tested. Just presumed.

SIL had to threaten to quit to force the manager to provide the staff with N95s.

Manager complied.

Now a family member has gone to the newspaper claiming the facility was hiding things. But sounds like Ohio facilities in general have been tight lipped on state orders??

My wife is trying to get her to quit. SIL feels so responsible for both the patients and the staff. Having all kinds of staffing issues. She is now quarantining from her wife and kids. Thankfully they have a big house with an upstairs set of rooms they donā€™t use currently. She is either going to get it or have a nervous breakdown.


Wearing a mask ALL the time helps rid people of the covid-inducing habits of biting nails, picking nose, etc.

Basically, a mask keeps you from touching face, mouth, nose, etc. Itā€™s +ev.

I also wear and recommend wearing a condom ALL the time for same reason. It keeps it clean and stops me from touching it. Plus you are always ready to go, unless you are going to the bathroom.

Also too, the effectiveness of mask-wearing increases to ~90% when combined with goggles or face shield. I wear eyeglasses, which maybe help a little? Could probably modify glasses with aluminum foil and tape; or dig out my ski goggles which i have no use for because there is no more fucking snow since the onslaught of climate change. We did get an inch yesterday tho. Go figure.

Edit: that 90% number might have included a gown along with mask and goggles/face shield. But eye covering is also very important. The number might have been 93% with all 3.

You can also buy N99 masks, but good luck breathing. The thing is that the higher rated masks, N99 and even N100, are available and not in short supply because they arenā€™t practical for medical workers.


Some of the smartest and some of the dumbest people I know have PhDs. Many get them for sheer perseverance-ie just showing up.

The can be really dangerous cause in industry they can be in manager positions pretty quickly. Some of the smart ones are bad with people and sometimes the dumb ones gets the job.

One in particular I worked with (peer to me) I conspired to mentor his reports and we got a tremendous amount done while he was in his home country 6 weeks a year. Of course he took credit when he got back. Closest Iā€™ve ever come to killing a man. If I didnā€™t have a job offer with stock options the one night I had dinner with him on a business trip Inwould have stabbed him with my steak knife.

FL right behind at 3%. I call major shenanigans but the the GA governor oversaw his own election as Secretary of State so they have a lot of practiceā€¦


Dont think anything beat Pacific Poker cash tables in the early days. They played like play money pretty far up.

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The Australian federal government are planning to release an app which uses Bluetooth to track your contacts with other app users. The data is stored locally on your phone and in the event you get a COVID diagnosis, you can agree to have your data uploaded to authorities, who will then contact other users who have been in proximity to you. It has to be 15 minutes of close contact. Itā€™s similar to the system Apple and Google are building.

I canā€™t begin to guess how many Australians will install it. In Singapore, only 20% of people installed it. The government say they need 40% installation to make the app worthwhile. If I had to guess, Iā€™d say they get less than that, but I really donā€™t know.

For whatever reason - PhD seems to be a major negative indicator in computer programmer. Every PhD programmer, Iā€™ve ever worked with has been terrible, and a bunch of other programmers I know say the same thing.

It could be the two disciplines are just on opposite ends of the spectrum. Computer programming is always changing - requires think on your feet vs. studying and absorbing layers of knowledge that came before you (in general). When you get a new programming concept it immediately becomes common sense. Itā€™s almost never counter-intuitive like the real world.

Itā€™s kind of like online poker in that you have to figure out the curriculum on your own and put yourself through college. Even if you get a CS degree, itā€™s just theory and like 5% of what you will eventually need to know to do your job. Imagine if I had graduated with a CS degree instead of physics in 1992. How much of what I learned would even be applicable?

And you donā€™t have angry nutters swarming the capitol buildings of your states with AK-47s at the mere suggestion of such an app? What kind of pussy country are you?

I got a Masters in Environmental Engineering because I couldnā€™t find work after undergrad. I was tainted by the 1 year resume gap. It worked, I was hired shortly thereafter.

Found out my BIL in florida has covid19, tested positive 9 days ago.

Seems like heā€™s on teh mend, so maybe he will recover soon.


I went on a photo trip with a guy who had a PhD in chemistry, was on his first private sector job, and seemed to be just in the process of becoming disillusioned at how boring his career was probably going to be compared to his aspirations. I think he was doing something with cosmetics.

Then he got disillusioned all over again when he realized most aurora borealis shots are massively enhanced from what it actually looks like - due to long exposure. Also he and another guy got screwed and missed all the good aurora shots because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Poor Christof. Bad trip for him.


I worked with a good programmer who had a PhD, but his PhD was in some kind of neuroscience thing.

Just a sample of one of the top minds that was at the Washington State covidiot protest today: