COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Cuomo seemed to be in a much better mood for today’s press conference. He had probably already seen the new runs of this model or other similar models predicting the state likely now has enough resources for the peak. At least here’s hoping. :crossed_fingers:

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I’ve been seeing a bunch of $2/hr raises, believe typical pay was $10-15hr before that.

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That is not enough to assuage my guilt.

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That is interesting. The business we had (decades ago) stopped paying assistant managers salary because too many were being misused to meet payroll budgets. The state of Texas really frowns on people doing that.

The only people who could be on salary were store managers/directors.

Trump today mentioned wanting to do something for the healthcare providers when this is over. I want other essential services to get something. Especially the ones being criminally underpaid right now like grocery store workers.

I agree with micro that there is a huge amount of incongruent actions and inconsistencies when it comes to what is rewarded and why and what is essential and what is not.

Another one that struck me the other day are trash collectors. Who wants to be surrounded by all the stuff people refused to take in their house because it might have corona.

You told us.

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I see nothing wrong with that. It forces employers to pay more.


All the major grocery stores have done it. See it in the news.

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I would argue that the Instacart shoppers are going to be more efficient than 200 randoms. They have a list of items to pick up and time is money.

Most people do not shop like that. They wander around the store grazing and picking stuff up. An experienced. Plus depending on scheduling they can fulfill multiple orders at once.

I am not trying to defend the capabilities of the average instacart shopper as I am maligning the average shopper.

I don’t really know though.

What do you mean? If we had only instacart shoppers and nobody was shopping for themselves of course the risk to everyone would be lower in the aggregate, including the instacart shoppers. I realize it’s not economically feasible, but a delivery only model would way cut down on transmission.

From the way you post you must think the delivery people are doomed. Dead people walking. Bomber crews in the USAAF got relieved of duty if they survived 25 missions. Maybe delivery people should get off after 25 deliveries and we should all be conscripted into InstaCart for a tour of duty.


So very hopeful. If New York can slide under the wire it gives me real hope for the rest of the country and the overall duration of this.

Although I am still pretty upset by how slow the testing build up is going.

We still can not make any educated progress until we have a better picture of who has it, who has symptoms, who doesn’t, who now has the antibodies, who is still most vulnerable.

He is your boss Bryce! Surprise!


Yeah, good point. I had a list ready to go today w/ my mask on, stocked w/ wipes and shit but come game time I definitely did some ad hoc browsing nonetheless, lol.

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I legitimately have no idea what you are talking about.

That’s your loss. It was a pretty good post. I really wanted to work a Catch-22 reference in there, but it was better to keep it short I think.

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Time for my climb into the derposphere to see what is going on…


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Ever since Washington and seeing how well the Bay Area lockdown worked, I felt like we weren’t going to turn into Italy. But last week had me seriously doubting that.

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Just to expound on this a bit, 1 person in a store for 8 hours is way better than 8 people in a store for 1 hour. 10 people in a store for 8 hours is way better than 80 people in a store for 1 hour. Etc.


I know someone who probably has the virus who posted this. Wtf.

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Seriously, it is shit like that which is why USA #1 for COVID-19