COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Those are good points in a perfect world, but the world is not perfect. Customers will put delivery people in situations where they are not safe and the customer is always right. Employers will do it too. I mean doctors are being forced to reuse PPE, who knows what PeaPod is doing.

Is it? Provided you keep a safe distance, I kinda feel safer in the park than in my apartment with the air not being able to circulate.

I agree, but others donā€™t.

Next virus we wonā€™t need delivery people.

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I stocked up a ton a month ago but now need to start shopping again.

After finding out that unemployment pays more than grocery employees earn - I really just feel terrible. I donā€™t want to support that system but what choice is there?

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Me neither brother. You and I will be the last people working. Is that good or does it make us suckers?

Letā€™s just pay these people $2000/week - how much does that increase our cost in groceries ?

This level of ā€œexpertiseā€ is what I have seen from Instacart shoppers when I do my own grocery shopping LIKE A MAN (j/k).

Wait, wait, I can answer that oneā€¦


Welcome to the wonderful world of covid denial. Where ā€œtheyā€ are deliberately keeping the death numbers high for [reasons unclear something something make Trump look bad].


IHME just made a major update to their projections a few minutes ago. NY outlook significantly improve compared to last version of model from April 1. They are saying Louisiana has already peaked.

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I remember being let go in 2008 and filing for unemployment to realize that NJ paid more in unemployment compensation than Iā€™d get as a cashier at any place in PA. Was actually more profitable to stay at home and collect than go out and work.

Why would you feel bad about it? It leads to a bizarre result for the next 4 months but the temporary availability of outsized unemployment benefits massively benefits the grocery workers as well. The workers can negotiate the exact safety standards and working conditions they want whereas w/o that extra $600/wk out there they would likely be willing to eat shit just to keep earning a paycheck. They can and have negotiated raises. The managers know that if they so much as looks at their workers sideways they are going to start hearing the words ā€œconstructive termination,ā€ the magic words to let the employee quit and collect unemployment.

Bernie is as pro-worker as they come, and he knew what he was doing in on insisting on this.


You guys are on the front lines of this crisis and youā€™re putting up with a lot of bullshit these days. You donā€™t get the recognition that you deserve, but I for one am grateful for the work you do.


Preppers definitely laughing their butts off at us right now.

I mean, how far do you want to take this thought exercise? People are still working essential jobs. Iā€™ā€™m still going into my office 2-3 times a week because I canā€™t do it from home and what Iā€m doing is helping to keep society functioning. Itā€™s about risk mitigation, there is no way that everyone can completely unplug from society 100 percent, and if there are people willing to do the supermarket job so that 1 person can shop for 200 instead of 200 shopping for themselves then Iā€m going to pay them to do that, just like Iā€™m being paid to do what I do.

So grocery store employees got raises? What is the average cashier/employee/delivery person making ?

The problem is that the one person isnā€™t doing the shopping anymore efficiently than the 200 people going in themselves. The only upside I see to Instacart is that the deliverers will definitely get it at some point, and if they arenā€™t hospitalized then they will be an immune superhero after their period of spreading it around for 14 days.

Little bit. I really donā€™t think Tuesday will be dangerous. Not for me anyway. Brag or w/e, but Iā€™m pretty safe. People get hurt doing what Iā€™m doing, but a lot of people are dumbasses.

Not to be defensive, but the jobs I left were for important reasons if not life threatening.

Your brotherā€™s situation is a lot different than mine and I think youā€™re right about him. On top of the Amazon job sucking, heā€™s at risk and the job puts him and your dad at risk. Still, I donā€™t think youā€™re on the right side of the poker analogy. We only get one hand to play - yeah, but your solution seems to be likeā€¦never take any risk ever ā€¦ and thatā€™s not necessarily limited to COVID.

The other thing, and this may be just me, is along the lines of accepting things you canā€™t change. My mom and my mother-in-law are taking all kinds of risks they donā€™t have to take. But, Iā€™m not their boss. If I try to push it wonā€™t help and it will probably hurt. I do what I can and what I think is best and Iā€™m not at all upset about it if I donā€™t get my way.

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Yeah Iā€™ve been looking at it.

Remember the first few days there the hospital projections looked really bad, then Cuomo said they miraculously slowed down to doubling more than every 3 days? Iā€™m gonna guess that first model these guys are screenshotting is from earlier when there wasnā€™t much data.

Of course Trumpfans and conspiracy nuts would never understand the concept of constantly updating your model with new and better data.

Also of course Cuomo is always going to sound the alarm early and often and look for the worst case scenario. He wouldnā€™t be doing his job if he didnā€™t. Heā€™d be doing what Trump and other red state governors have done - downplay whatā€™s coming - and in the process make the problem worse. Republicans and their magical thinking.