COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Did anyone ever figure out the way to game instacart so you can get a delivery time? The delivery times in my area were constantly pushing further and further out and today for the first time are showing as unavailable. I keep refreshing every few hours but I thought at one point there was a theory that a certain time of day was when they populated more. Before runing out of times it was out to this coming Friday, but it doesn’t appear they’ve added Saturday yet. Certain time in the morning maybe?

I’ve found that new times for Peapod are added a 1am. Maybe try late at night.

Had success getting same day delivery with Mercato yesterday.

Someone I was talking to today said that they would open slots at midnight. I don’t use insta-cart, so I can’t really verify if it works.

First thing in the morning has worked for me - I’m a very early riser, so that means 4:30 or 5:00 AM. Oddly, a few times during last week when I was adding to my Costco order I saw some same-day appointments available.

My biggest issue with Instacart has been that something like 50% of the stuff I want isn’t available.

Just got this email from my building. We are a small prewar building with about 45 apartments and tiny elevators. Glad that my wife has been even more paranoid than me and convinced me not to leave our floor for the past couple weeks.

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Yeah that would terrify me. Are you just not getting deliveries or are they coming to your door?

My building started forcing all deliveries to be dropped off in the lobby so no way I can avoid at least going down there.

Thankfully the doormen are bringing them up and leaving them outside our door. Hope we have been careful enough disinfecting the groceries. The letter also said two building staff members will be self quarantined for two weeks because they may have been exposed to the infected resident.

Trump looked at his hospital ship and said “We’re going to need a bigger boat”


Glad she is feeling better. Tell her to save up some plasma for Dad.

I don’t know. I go through Kroger who uses instacart to fill their orders and the one time I did it was only like a 24 hour delay.

My local supermarket restocks every night so I had been having success with instacart timing it for a delivery first thing in the morning, but now I’ve lost that ability.

Instacart seems random for my grocery store. Usually like a 4 day lead time, but sometimes nothing available and you’ll randomly refresh and there will be something available immediately. Not sure if it somehow dependent on shoppers coming online or something plus a limited number of future slots that may be full.

2021, if someone other than Trump wins.

Why Sunday and not Saturday? Still think you guys are seeing a patternm that isn’t there.


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People getting deliveries, like the solution to going outside being too risky is to pay someone else to do all your going outside for you?


And yeah, being good about it 95% of the time means you have a lot less chance of being exposed, contracting, getting intubated, dying.

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Yes? If 10 people can shop for 200 it makes a difference.

But I got my groceries delivered before any of this.

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Didn’t want to be a dick, but was thinking the same unless you are old/have conditions or have to be around someone who is.

Unless I’m mistaken you’ve got some serious relevant health issues brother. You probably shouldn’t be going into stores and hopefully the people you’re paying to do it aren’t nearly as at risk.