COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

COVID-19: (2)00 posts of this thread are an inane caravan derail.


The zoo’s rare Egyptian pony was also feared to have caught the virus.

Turns out, he was just a little hoarse.


That’s some I Am Legend shit right there, boy

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I think the Sunday numbers lull is purposefully done by the powers that be or the Illuminati or whatever to take my anxiety down a notch before doomsday Monday. And for that I thank them.

Can I use my one time?


Google only yielded a couple pics of those wolves which I didn’t like.

That is definitely joesixpack on 22.

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Listen Pat Robertson, my fetish of licking a bat’s jizz out of a pangolin isn’t hurting anyone. Stop kink shaming.


I feel like no one is getting my joke. It’s NY giving the middle finger.

Lateral thinking, people. Come on.


Careful, Trolly gonna be all over you if you suggest #s are weird on a Sunday.

Czech Republic has approved the use of plasma from recovered patients to treat covid-19 in current patients.

Deaths seem to be going up at a rate of 6 to 7 per day. Recoveries have been less consistent. Two days ago, there were 4 recoveries. Today, there were 18!

While things are getting better here, we’re not out of the woods yet. We’re expected to stay under lockdown until at least the end of the month. Schools are going to open at earliest mid-May.

Sydney is seeing an increase of cases with an unknown source and is setting up drive through testing in the areas where this is happening the most. Of course these areas happen to be the beach suburbs where everyone thinks social distancing rules don’t stop them from having a coffee together on the beach. Or they can bring a resistance band to the beach because then they are not getting a suntan but doing lie down excercises. Or for one of the areas it is just because they are rich so rules don’t apply to them. I hope the premier goes through with her threat of a total lockdown for 2 weeks in those suburbs.

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Lockdowns work. Been under one for 3 weeks and got at least 4 more to go.


I think NSW already has similar restrictions to the Czech Republic aside from the wearing of masks. A total lockdown would go further.

Just texted with my daughter who lives in the Bronx. She probably is on the tail end now of a moderate COVID infection.


Currently can only go out for essentials/excercise and can’t be with anyone not part of your household. Apparently icecream is essential as there were queues outside my favourite icecream shop which I avoided and just got my shopping from the supermarket next to it.

Also government finally watched contagion and is considering wristbands for immune people.

My daughter also knows two people who’ve been really sick at home for the past two weeks. Don’t know if they could be vectors for her.

Neither she, they, or anyone else she knows has been able to get tested.

Obviously at this point she’d like to get the antibody test now.