I think it was filtering a ton. Like huge mists of spit aren’t going through there and that’s what comes out of people when they are jogging. If you had some viral load and someone measured the load in your chem trail I’m sure they’d find it cut it down a lot.
Agreed. And it’s also behavior-modeling. Everyone should wear a mask any time they leave the house. I’ve been making this “but there’s hardly anyone around” argument, which depends on my judgement. My judgement is certainly not infallible, and neither is anyone else’s.
Plus a collage of female leaders absolutely infuriates Trumpfans - so post it far and wide.
Wonder if the supply of cocaine to “middle class americans” will dry up.
Civilization still existing in 2022 back in play!
Meh. I think people should use their judgement and without any scienticians to back me up, I’m going to claim that wearing a mask ALL the time is not helping when no one else is around (like you are in your car alone) and it’s more dangerous for you. You are stewing in your own juices and any viral load you’re carrying is going to be worse and you’re more likely to get sick and/or have a worse case.
Tuesday bump has been the big one.
UK tried that. I think we can surmise from how well that went that the mortality rate is higher than that.
I filled out the EIDL. Avoiding the PPP. Waiting to file for PA UE. The fun of being your own business.
I’m just having fun. No worries. Kind of a joke now.
We call it breaking balls here in Philly.
I think this goes too far on a couple fronts. First, more than 0.1% of NYC’s population has died of coronavirus (if you count undiagnosed excess deaths), so a 0.1% IFR is not in the cards. I think the optimistic, and somewhat supported, view is on the order of 0.5%. Second, the flipside of any undetected spread theory is that the virus is significantly more contagious than we think, which means that it will infect more people if left to its own devices and also that trying to shield vulnerable people in an environment where everyone has coronavirus is just not going to work.
There are more infected people today than any previous day. Nationally that starts to turn soon unless certain states blow up and/or get real about their actual number of cases.
1/2 million give or take. I think 3/4-1 million. 1 in 500 roughly. Obviously highly variable by geography. DO NOT WANT those odds.
Really wish we knew how much everyone wearing masks cuts the transmission.
I know we have beat that IMHE model to death but they are still only projecting 3600 total more deaths in New York. That is bat shit insane.
I think the order of authority here is:
Studies that use massive random testing > small samples not selected based on symptoms > imagined studies that use massive random testing
Have there not been tests of asymptomatic people in places? I could have sworn lots of them have been linked here. Not to mention South Kores was testing a lot of asymptomatic people right?
Yeah that Monday number is about same as mid last week. Will actually be good news if we don’t get a big Tuesday bump.
Do you have any idea whether there are any mechanisms to ensure that money actually makes it to the employees that are the basis for providing the money?
South Korea has tested a lot of people, as have Australia and I guess Iceland. But those places don’t have huge coronavirus epidemics. There was an antibody test study of some village in Germany which found that ~15% of the population had been infected with coronavirus.
Cliffs: Based on random sample of 2000 households, infection rate is in the order of 0.33% in Austria.
average monthly payroll over last 12 months x 2.5
That’s the loan amount.