COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

A review of federal purchasing contracts by The Associated Press shows federal agencies waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders of N95 respirator masks, mechanical ventilators and other equipment needed by front-line health care workers.

Mid fucking March


As an ex asthmatic, chest tightness is having difficulty breathing while chest pain is an actual pain or feeling that your chest is in a vice.

With all the blatant undercounting and plenty of idiots shouting about overcounting. Here is an analysis I wish someone would do.

Find total deaths from all causes in USA for every March in last 10 yrs. Use this data and population data to project expected deaths from all causes in 2020

Take actual deaths obeserved in March 2020 and subtract projected deaths for March 2020.

Thatā€™s the number Iā€™m gonna assign to coronavirus. Getting nonbelievers to accept that might be a tall order, but as far as Iā€™m concerned, thatā€™s the real number.

I figure we might need to wait a little while before March 2020 data is fully available. But someone has to do this eventually, right?


My mom stayed home for 3 days telling everyone she had the flu. When we got her to the ER her pulse was like 188 and a whole team went into all kinds of codes and alarms. I have a cousin who felt bad on a Saturday and decided to wait until Monday to go to the doctor. He didnā€™t make it that long. A friend was just feeling kinda tired and went it to check after a bit. Turned out he was lucky it was a mild heart attack, but his arteries were all like 80%+ blocked and had major open heart surgery.


My great grandma did the same thing, drove herself to the hospital worried sheā€™d had another heart attack but stopped at Taco Bell on the way to get herself a taco and a soda when she was 92.


I have a friend who was coughing up bile painfully every day but insisting to his house mate that it was nothing serious, until eventually he was made to go to the doctor and after hospital investigations was diagnosed with colon cancer. :frowning:

Because of this he was wearing a colostomy bag in his 40s.

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I once had chest pain that lasted a couple hours while playing poker at the casino. I told them where they kept the AED and that ā€œthere is a 1% chance Iā€™m gonna need itā€.

Went to the ER after I got home and tested negative. The doc referred me to a cardiologist, which I blew off.

I got your New York daily death count right here!


Iā€™m sure several someoneā€™s will be on top of it.

During a heatwave a couple of years ago, I had chest pains persisting more than an hour. Quite alarmed and tried long, big, deep breaths to settle. Starting getting numbness at the extremities and freaked out. Turns out it was a chest infection exacerbated by the heat. Maybe the fact that hyperventilating can cause numbness in the extremities should be more widely advertised, lol.

Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my!


FB is doing respirator ads now.

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Pneumonia based chest tightness and congestive heart failure can feel alarmingly similar to the person having them.

Obviously CHF is not a heart attack but it dances in an adjacent ballroom.

Hi Keeed,
This isnā€™t hard. No unnecessary travel prevents people from bringing the virus from one neighborhood to another unknowingly. When she goes to her second home 50 miles away, she is clearly going to have some level of human contact, even if itā€™s just with the food delivery people, or the gas station handle sheā€™s touching when filling her car, etc. There is a reason they put these travel restrictions in place and her violating them is both selfish and actually has a net negative effect on keeping the virus from spreading.




Donā€™t know if people are familiar with this hot new Ghanaian pallbearers meme format, but:


my god she touched a gas station handle outside of her neighborhood? Itā€™s worse than I thought.


If that is truly your response to this, you should be quarantined with an ankle monitor until we have a vaccine.