COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Anyone know what Boris thinks of hydroxychloroquine + z pak treatment? What have you got to lose…right?


Covid-19 (3) - Who knew pandemics could be do complicated


Holiday home for quick sale, cash only.

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It’s weird, I was just thinking about this the other day. If I ever go back to America, it’ll be a little mini-tour of various places no-one ever goes to, even though lots of people are vaguely aware they exist. Like, I imagine there’s a theatre in Omaha, Nebraska. I’d go see a play there. Is there an art museum in Cheyenne, Wyoming (Jackson Pollock the only famous Wyominger apart from Dick Cheney)? I’m there. I’ve never been big on travel, but that appeals to me far more than going back to NY/Vegas or hitting LA or some other hotspot.

Can someone think of the cat…

I spent a weekend in Tulsa many moons ago when a friend got married. Longest two weeks of my life.

Well that’s going to make for an interesting episode of The Zoo (my new favorite show).

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Scotland’s chief medical officer resigns

Scotland’s chief medical officer, Dr Catherine Calderwood, has resigned after it emerged she had failed to adhere to her own social distancing guidelines by visiting her second home.

Earlier on Saturday, police issued a warning to Dr Calderwood over the incident, while Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the chief medical officer had “made a mistake”, but that she needed her to remain in her position.

The high-profile medic has been among those urging the public to stay at home to save lives and to protect the NHS.

You can read more about the story here.

Let me know when you’re ready and I can give you a ton of places like this west of the Mississippi.

Noted, will do (we may be talking years here).

I think we have to get used to the idea of a lot of garbage tests floating around the US. The FDA completely gave up on certification and people are doing tests that aren’t experienced. The shitty part is a bad test is worse than no test.

Lol you UKers and your cute accountability for transgressions committed by people in power. Do you even too big to fail?



Assuming I am spending discretionary income… if I save a bunch of money by going out or not traveling, what am I going to do with it? Buy a bigger TV? I would rather go out. I don’t think this pandemic will change the millenial generation’s preference for spending on experiences over possessions.

I ultimately tested negative for Covid 19, but difficulty breathing, pain and an unprecedented tightness in my chest took me to the ER last Thursday night. (Those who know me know I don’t access medical care lightly…I still grimaced through 2 hours of a zoom class, counting the minutes like a good Midwesterner, before I went. ) I’m still improving (with an inhaler and anti-biotic) but I’m exhausted and can’t smoothly take a deep breath. I’m posting because I’ve seen similar accounts online. History teaches us that sometimes it pays to do our own tracking to figure things out, so I encourage folks to share any similar experiences.

Guy I went to HS with in MO who happens to work for the same university as me now. He’s a big shot law professor so I assume he’s getting world class care at our world-class hospital. Is it possible his test could be a false negative too? He’s a health freak and 49. How often does someone like that wind up in the hospital for chest tightness in non-covid times?

Someone posted this in response.

I’ve been sick for a month. Bad headache. Tight chest. Super weak. Almost went to emergency room twice. Finally able to get a drive through test when I was starting to feel a bit better and it was neg. the lady who tested me barely put the swab in my nose… it was their first day of testing and I was the second test. my dr says it was prob a false neg. it’s been happening a lot.

And this.

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Only when our cherished financial institutions are concerned.

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Imo… The reason I wanted this is because its obviously a stressful time and job and doing any travelling never mind on the single track country roads is not only putting her in more danger than she need but also possiblely streaching our emergency services.

The Chief should be were she says she is everyday incase of emergency is another reason.

Good riddence :+1:

It getting to me too, I had to inform my aunt of the 1st 60 cases just in and outside her area, the 1st cases were in East Renfrewshire and my aunt stays there…

Nitshill Rd shopping complex was out of limits, so they went to a quieter area in the Mearns.

Otherwise they were shopping there.

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I don’t know the difference between chest tightness and chest pain, but chest pain is alarming for people of a certain age and my anecdotal experience is that more often than not a heart attack is not glaringly obvious. I’ve known three people who have had heart attacks and waited a while before going to the doctor - one of them waited too long.

My dad drove to the hospital after chest pains occured, he had had a heart attack and got his week stay all over again.

We were angry and lost at the same time, luckily this incident caused the Professor to give him a stern warning and he gets an ambulance now.

Typical UKer, not wanting to put folks out.

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