COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Officials outlined the stark paths ahead for Los Angeles County. If the stay-at-home order was quickly rescinded and people resumed their normal habits, an astonishing 95.6% of L.A. County residents would be infected with the coronavirus by Aug. 1, according to projections released by the county.

Staying at the current levels of physical distancing would still result in 29.8% of residents being infected by Aug. 1.

But increasing our efforts to stay apart from one another by one-third could reduce that to just having 5.5% of Los Angeles County residents infected by Aug. 1.

Wal-Mart report - only one person seen so far without a facemask out of probably 100 people. Lotta people confusing 4’ for 6’ though.


You’ll have to subtract the number of resurrections on Sunday from that. 2,000 deaths is FAKE NEWS!!!

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Probably all guys confused by that am I right?


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I don’t know. No way to tell. Just going on what was reported to me.

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Who the fuck is Matt Walsh? I scrolled through his twitter feed and my mind disintegrated.

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He’s a writer and podcaster who can be found at The Daily Wire, a conservative website founded by Ben Shapiro.

The masks make us invincible!

Daily Wire seems to be all in on covid denial.

Two weeks is the new Friedman unit.

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Trumpist stupidity in a nutshell.

But don’t worry - they’re still all in on authoritarianism - just for THOSE people.


any results from the various places around the country/world testing random asymptomatic individuals?

Loosen restrictions just a tiny bit and people go back to business as usual.

Czech citizens aren’t going to be perfect models for proper behavior during a pandemic.

Gist for people without Google Translate: Some Czechs took the loosened restrictions to mean business as usual and engaged in behavior more likely to spread covid-19. Deputy Minister of Health warns of a second outbreak and reimplementation of restrictions if people act like this is over. Says that they’ll know if things worked out in 10 days.

That said, fewer than 200 new cases, 45 recoveries and 3 deaths today.

He said Christians should not practice yoga because of the devil or something.

Nah, I just think the Boomers think they’re invincible because life experience has taught them that they are. Nothing that bad has happened in their lifetimes. JFK being assassinated, Vietnam, a couple recessions, 9/11 and the financial crisis.

This will be by far the worst thing that’s happened in the US in their lives, but their entire life experience has been a series of hyped up events that turn out to be okay, along with a non-stop propaganda campaign on American exceptionalism, freedom, etc…

My father has been a perfect example. Said Trump would never win, it was impossible. Then said they’d never try to repeal the ACA, then he said there was no chance it would pass (thankfully that didn’t happen). The last few years has been a series of poor predictions on his part, none of which he seems to remember. Now he says no way Trump gets re-elected. He also didn’t think there was any chance Biden would win the nomination.

But through all of it, he’s had a very calm, “Nothing that bad can happen here,” type attitude about it. I think that pretty much sums up the Boomers. Contrast it with the generations before them, from 1914 to 1944 you had two world wars, the Great Depression, and Spanish Flu. If you were 50 when WWI started, you were born at the end of the Civil War.

So basically, you can’t go back to a generation in American history that’s had an easier time of it than the Boomers. It’s taught them, falsely, that they’re invincible.


Agree mostly.

  1. Societal shortage of resources is almost unknown in Usa1. People have known hardship, but it’s often seen as deserved in some way. What did that person do to get themselves in that situation? Akin to blindness to long lasting effects of slavery/ Jim Crow/ racism.

  2. Leadership is corrupted and become a fight for power and wealth. Joint action for survival or even social good is considered an extreme position. Yes, on both sides, if not to same degree.

  3. Sensationalism is prevalent, and information is so ubiquitous that people have stopped responding. Media, politicians, facebook etc have been crying wolf so often that nothing is taken seriously. Every Trump action is THE WORST. Every election is THE MOST IMPORTANT.

Since 2016 I’ve had multiple bouts of wondering if it’s possible I live in an insane leftist bubble. A rational person has to perform that type of evaluation, right?

Real danger like Covid clarifies issues if one cares to look.
Perhaps that’s why I was so agitated when we could all see trouble coming and no one was reacting. Everyday conspiracy “nuts” have to feel that same way all the time? Because that’s the way we were treated by some.
How fucked up is it to feel relief that people are getting sick and dying, if it means I’m not a crazy nut bag?


Livelihoods > Lives

All the major counties closed long before Abbott did anything. So much so it wasn’t even really news when it happened. Much like Trump in the US, Abbott in Texas has no control over this.

And for the majority, JFK, Vietnam and all the rest of the 60’s tumult were things that happened in their childhoods. It happened around them but not really to them. Sort of like the way I remember the Cold War but didn’t exactly spend my childhood sneaking through Checkpoint Charlie.

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