COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

He is your boss Bryce! Surprise!


Yeah, good point. I had a list ready to go today w/ my mask on, stocked w/ wipes and shit but come game time I definitely did some ad hoc browsing nonetheless, lol.

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I legitimately have no idea what you are talking about.

That’s your loss. It was a pretty good post. I really wanted to work a Catch-22 reference in there, but it was better to keep it short I think.

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Time for my climb into the derposphere to see what is going on…


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Ever since Washington and seeing how well the Bay Area lockdown worked, I felt like we weren’t going to turn into Italy. But last week had me seriously doubting that.

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Just to expound on this a bit, 1 person in a store for 8 hours is way better than 8 people in a store for 1 hour. 10 people in a store for 8 hours is way better than 80 people in a store for 1 hour. Etc.


I know someone who probably has the virus who posted this. Wtf.

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Seriously, it is shit like that which is why USA #1 for COVID-19

You got a $2 raise too? (I dont think I’ve mentioned it but I work at a grocery store too. Nothing too hectic yet where I’m from, only called the cops once and only had one customer throw produce at my coworker. Lol)


I saw a KFC billboard yesterday which read “Social distancing never tasted so good”.

In unrelated news, I have been preoccupied by persistent thoughts about possible methods to destroy the KFC corporation.


I hope I’m wrong about this, but I think a whole whole whole lotta people who can not afford not to go out are not going out.


I’m thinking that maybe you can’t get this because you’re actually a sociopath.

This turns out to be fake news, by the way. Satire site. Poe’s Law strikes again.

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Going to be honest, I have never really cared about the number of cases except to identify spread and to see if testing has gotten better.

More in deaths and ICU hospitalizations even though, at least deaths, are not fully counted.

I still think the pool of asymptomatic people is pretty high so yeah the total numbers will likely go up for a long time until testing catches up. But lol at letting that determine one’s panic level.

I clicked “See Less” and it just made the picture bigger. Not happy!

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I have gathered over the years that KFC is crazy popular in Australia, at least compared to the US.

I withdraw my “like” but I still like it.

Just FWIW you’ve got me thinking about the morality of paying people to assume risk for me. No decisions have been made but I’m thinking my previous rationalizations were a little thin. Not saying I’m definitely changing my behavior but will give it some more concerted thought.