Council of Captains Discussion Thread

Why don’t you explain it to me then?

I didn’t mean to make it sound like that. It’s obviously a pretty egregious invasion of privacy, but at the same time literally what are you gonna do now that it’s happened?

I also have to admit, I had no idea how much communication was done in PM on here. I’ve only used it for walrus and a one off quick message on here.

I honestly thought Jm took it off for the lulz and was gonna put it back on immediately.

They roped me in 500 posts deep and now I have the most posts. Half of them were saying Ked was on drugs.


That’s fine, and likely how it started. I will say, parts of it definitely read as organized trolling and disruption of the forum. Not even saying everyone in here was involved, but definitely seemed like the goal for some.

Honk honk go the silly geese.

Reminder to anyone outside of the goose crews involved that this is just a standard group of folks that love bickering online as a hobby. Any online forum attracts this type of user; nothing unusual or abnormal. Enjoy the meme threads and other fun content here.


You don’t say…

Proving that humanity is doomed because we can’t even get along in this tiny internet forum of similarly minded people, who’ve known each other for years, without Lords Of The Fliesing each other doesn’t seem like something to sneeze at, but, truth, the meme threads do rock.


(Benny Goodman & Carmen Miranda - The Gang´s All Here)

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hot damn white boy swing still swings something fierce

more appropriate though

I will say, even though this was an invasion of privacy, it weirdly could become a positive for the forum. Even though I view some of what occurred in here to be negative, it also caused me to rethink my stance on some things that would make me more agreeable to some of the viewpoints expressed in here too. Maybe we can turn this into a burying of the hatchet and help the community come together?


hehe… now I will read in detail. Tx for the hint.

My first reaction is not about me.
I somehow didn’t even notice by first reading any malice in my direction. In fact I was so often told to my face that I am not liked and have to sTFU, that I don’t think that specifically in that I will see anything unexpected.

But alltogether this stunt knocks me out of my shoes. That are people who want to change the society and are even not able to be upfront with their intentions in an online forum. The level of inner conflict, the level of cowardice is mind blowing.

I totally can live with everything that was posted about me here. Zero issues with that.

I asked in the moderation thread, but are wookie, skydiver and PC really the only mods currently?

Go on. What were you convinced by?

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Mostly just a general sense that there was at least some desire by some people to actually fix things in a way that would make this a forum everyone would want to contribute to. I attempted to see things from a different point of view through reading these posts.

Also made me realize that even if I think someone is doing a fine job as a mod, if they’re super polarizing, they can’t be a successful mod for a community this size. Especially if it’s going to be on a permanent basis and not a forced rotation after a short period of time. Like I said, I have zero issues with Wookie as a mod at all, but the fact that it’s such a major issue for so many people means he needs to be replaced.


I would suggest that we keep PC and skydiver and replace wookie with someone that is viewed as less polarizing to all groups on the forum. Maybe consider adding another mod or two too, with the same criteria that they be agreeable to as much of the forum as possible.


Has anyone started a RFC/poll on any of

  • start a new sub forum
  • change the mod rules
  • change wookie
  • add a new mod


Surely this is the constructive way to go about this?