Council of Captains Discussion Thread


I think itā€™s become clear that this community is never going to agree on anything as a whole, so Iā€™m just posting some thoughts after catching up on all this. The good news is thereā€™s something here for everyone to agree with and violently disagree with.

  1. The RFC process is dumb. Itā€™s fine to have a process for the community to override rogue mods, but jumping through these hoops on every decision makes us look like a bunch of middle schoolers running a model UN.

  2. Just make @SensiblePerson admin already. jmakin clearly needs the break, and I care about him not having to be stressed by this anymore.

  3. These PMs never should have been made public, but now theyā€™re out and thereā€™s no going back.

  4. Starting a private forum revolution is pretty lame and definitely showed that a bunch of you have a superiority complex.

  5. Wookie probably shouldnā€™t be a mod anymore. Appreciate your volunteer service to help this forum and I have nothing against you. That said, when a mod is this polarizing on a small community forum, it isnā€™t good for anyone, including that mod.


What makes me vomit is Jmakin admitting to opening Private Messages and itā€™s why this post right here will be my last.

An Admin looking into Private Messages should make everyone here sick too and leave.


Lol just waking up to a pm directing me here and not gonna scroll up to read 2k posts but just found this gem while scrolling up a little. Making a pm thread public is all kinds of fucked up but in any event, eagerly awaiting the ā€œcuse was right all alongā€ mea culpas.

Probably because I am one everywhere, I feel that it is a lot more disgusting to be surrounded by two-faced slimy cowards than someone reading my PMs.

But it really doesnā€™t matter at all any more. Sabo, this sick online bully, got what he wanted. This forum is probably not salvageable any more. Althoughā€¦ who knows.

Yeahhhhā€¦ I hope I can hold back and not post on this account any more and let it all sink-in and see what is going to happen when my temp-ban is over.

I apologize for creating a ghost, but it really really knocked me out of my shoes.

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Whereā€™d this thread come from? Saw it for the first time yesterday and now thereā€™s 1300+ posts.

I legit donā€™t even know who Sabo is.

Nothing is ruining my forum experience, with the possible exception of this nonstop drama. I could ignore watevs if I wanted to; Iā€™m frankly not sure why I donā€™t. Iā€™m more saying that in looking for the cause of increasing hostility on the forum, my first port of call would be posters who are unrelentingly hostile in their approach. watevs and others like him definitely rile people up and cause them to respond with hostility. You can argue people should be more chill but Iā€™m not fond of ā€œwhat if people stopped being peopleā€ solutions. You probably disagree that hostility is a problem on the forum?

Right. This is also the reason, @6ix, that people seem so bereft of ā€œtheory of mindā€ online. Itā€™s because they donā€™t, at a fundamental level, regard the text sitting in front of them as consisting of actual people. Itā€™s like when dogs are confused by video of people because if they canā€™t smell them, theyā€™re not real.


Iā€™m gonna go back and read this again because I feel like itā€™s only fair if Iā€™m gonna comment, to make sure I didnā€™t miss anything, but is it two-faced? I mean, I like you, most people like you, people defended you in the PM thread, Microbet did, I was joined when your name was brought up, butā€¦ some people donā€™t like you, and theyā€™ve expressed that before. People expressing they donā€™t like each other in public is a big part of this whole mess!

I feel like this even though I was getting increasingly silly with GoofyB, this might actually hold water:

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Holy shit I didnā€™t know that this thing existed or that an admin doing such a thing was possible.

Lotta hot goss I missed out on I guess.

An admin reading PMs is a complete abuse of trust - making them public the icing on the cake. I hope the new admin is more trustworthy. Disgraceful.



People are getting precious about the reading PMs thing, it was public knowledge that there was a mass PM conversation going on that was basically a way to have a discussion thread without mods reading, it was mentioned in the Sabo thread.


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And this is a moderated forum, so itā€™s a misuse of the PM function to turn it into a de facto unmoderated thread. ā€œThey started itā€, basically.

Ked did invite 3700 people but it was still ā€œprivateā€ within that, uh, fairly large group.

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Man people can be really catty. Lotta shit talk behind peopleā€™s backs. ā€œCoucil of Cpatainsā€ is like The View for middle-aged men.


Thatā€™s a bit of a stretch I think but not going to argue. I donā€™t use PMs and my comment above was my first in this thread.

jmakin posted this:

Seems true.

Seems true.

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Admin read it once, 8 hrs ago

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This is my bad and why I wanted to turn Watevs into the platonic idea of Watevs and not Watevs specifically, because I have a bunch of tangents about him specifically. People have known him for years (heā€™s Bakes on 2p2 with the crazy frog avatar) but all that goes out the window when he becomes legitimately traumatized by the events of the 2020 Democratic primary and lashes out. Imo everybody should be empathetic because they themselves should be also traumatized.

See, it quickly becomes a bunch of tangents.

The level of hostility heā€™s displayed is pretty much on par with the hostility shown towards the BernieBros during and after the primary. Not voting for Biden in a lock blue state? Thatā€™s a paddling. I bumped the primary thread in the lead-up to the general. Paddling.

And thatā€™s not to mention the hostility thatā€™s veiled in passive-aggression. Yes, Watevs has been a maniac at times, I wonā€™t also be a maniac and deny that, but passive-aggression and/or cloying fakeness is not a good alternative.

I actually do, but I think my view would be more common if some factions didnā€™t pretend like there wasnā€™t mutually-directed hostility. Thatā€™s what causes the problems. Otherwise, itā€™s politics, itā€™s contentious. But itā€™s fine.

I kinda hoped an smaller intimate forum wouldnā€™t have them problem.

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