Council of Captains Discussion Thread

nobody PMd me about the Super Funtime Biden Jamboree wtf


That’s not all you were doing, come on now.

Sabo started this PM thread. Keed wasn’t added until much later.

It quite obviously needs two forums. Let the conservatives steal this place if victory means so much to them


Seriously @goofyballer, we’re both awake right now, middle of the night, for whatever reason, do you want to maybe hash this out?

It’s like, you’re doing the thing where you know people aren’t going to bother to read the thread so you can just say whatever, and that’s sooooooo weird! Why are you doing this?!?

How is any of that a secret? Remember TeamIkes vs TeamBrit, the whole thing happening, that’s been happening?

You’re saying they should follow Jman around every time he says some stupid shit to make sure every base is covered, and not hold off on venting in a PM? I thought that’s what you all didn’t want, the thing making this forum intolerable? Or like, you all thought they were actually trolling and didn’t feel and think these things, like, they’re just faking it that they don’t like Wookie or Jman, how on earth could anybody not like Wookie or Jman?

These are not rhetorical questions and you shouldn’t take them as leading questions either, aside from any artistic effect. But, it really sounds like you’re saying you’re proposing thoughtcrime, that it’s Regina Georging to merely not like people?!?

Ok, that last paragraph is not totally serious but come on. Nobody is gonna read this shit and you know it and you’re more than smart enough to present things in certain lights. I just want to know why you’re doing that?

I’m truly as impartial as you’re gonna get here. Did you get to this post below yet? It’s a good one:

It’s after the Ked On Drugs part; this whole thing really is a great read.

He didn’t even want noted drug user and serial inviter SenorKeeed to even be invited at first.

Congratulations, mission accomplished.

Sheeit do you know how many top secret private pm clubhouses I have going, it’s hard to keep track of all the notifications, so i’m definitely gonna miss discord notifications.

I find it really funny that 6+ months ago I made a post saying that if we didn’t root out the obvious bad actors/trolls that this site would die by the people who actually give a shit quitting and the bad actors just then leaving when their job was done and was deemed hysterical by the bad actors…and that is now precisely the move they’ve pulled?

Quite the performance art. Congrats, you’ve trolled a super small internet forum and made some middle aged men quit.


I PMed 6ix asking him to discuss things with Goofy ITT since PMs are no longer a thing.


~Everybody who quit, either soft or hard quit, has quit precisely because of how the people you’re labeling ‘bad actors’ have been treated. This very post you made is a prime example of that concept.


I just spent a few hours reading this entire thread. Yes, @6ix, even the posts you said no one would read. Wouldn’t want to jump in with no context!

Anyway, there’s too fucking much LOL in here to respond to everything, so here’s what I’ll say:

I was asked via PM by one of the then-mods (who is no longer a mod, btw) if I wanted to join the mod team for representation purposes. This was specifically precipitated by my first posts in the “Does UP have a Blind spot around sexism/misogyny” thread. That thread later devolved, but the first part of it was good and what precipitated the ask.

I said sure.

I won’t apologize for accepting.

I also will say that I wasn’t really aware of any formal process, because it just wasn’t something I’d considered doing before I was asked.

I will apologize for being absent the past few months. Real life, including some mental health revelations (good steps forward, not bad ones), have kept me away and occupied.

Also, I second pretty much everything ChrisV said. The reason internet forums run better as Hobbesian benevolent dictatorships as opposed to Marxist collectivism is because people feel emboldened by anonymity and distance to say and do things that they would never say or do in real life. But good luck and godspeed should you decide to try…again.


Lots of kerfuffle over what’s in a private message thread.

Not a lot said about admin abusing his powers and reading pm’s or making this public.

Lol but no surprise.


I also like the part where the capitalism lovers turn up and tell us a new forum won’t work, conveniently ignoring 1200 posts here itt of agreement. disagreement and jokes without any signs of rancour at all…then one of them turns up and straightaway starts abusing someone.


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Well that was a weird read.


Is there a thread or a vote on the new sub?

I have to vomit.
I have to throw-up and shower.
That is sick beyond every limit.

But I learned a TON. Let us start with positive: I am happy that not everyone on this board is a slimy disgusting coward. I appreciate that some people keep my believe in humanity alive @smrk @clovis8, probably some more. I admire the mods and admins here. Their patience, their high frustration tolerance, their integrity, their willingness to stick the work into that project make me look-up to them and feel that I wanna be more like them. (edit: I sat with my mouth wide open in awe as @SensiblePerson accepted being admin here, but I will absolutely understand if he decides to pull-out after this shit came to light. )
I admire everyone who managed to stay out of this mess, like @suzzer99 and @zikzak . “then you are arguing with crazy person and it is on you”, “the only way way to make things better is not participate” will stay with me for life. Sadly I am not able follow it 100% of the time like you can see with this message.

More good news, although I did throw-up I am smarter now. There is a saying like tell me who are your friends and I will tell you, who you are. If I paid attention to it earlier, I wouldn’t have now the feeling that I waded through a cesspool.

Re: New message board. It is led by an online bully aka sabo/ aka missiledog. He bullies right now multiple posters by impersonating them. I am pretty sure that it is criminal.

I mean… I am surprised again and again by how people start stuff without really evaluating what can be the worst case consequence. I always think about that. And consistency, being one in all areas of life, being the same in my job, here, in my RL in my PMs and publicly is my shield against worst case.

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BTW when Marksman posted about old threads jumping to the top of the page for no reason at all is when I suspected that the Admin where reading the thread and that happened shortly after Gregoreo made the limit to 500.

As confirmed by Jmakin itt that’s when he came in…

I mean people where basically saying that the aggrieved should start a PM thread to sort it out, Trolly said and posted as much and some others did too.

Ahh well… As for any Americans itt, I’d be careful if I’d called out or felt you called out Jmakin or upset him and tbh I’d be careful going forward as he might just be coming round to your house too, BTW his face is in the Vegas thread to help you identify him incase your worried which in all honesty we should all take care now.

Pity the forum had to end in this way as I see no way back now.

Good day all, it was fun being around for a while.

Fidget perma banned for bad faith.

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Really! this post of yours makes me wanna vomit again.