Council of Captains Discussion Thread

dammit crafty etas

Every single member of this forum knows how Clovis will react to certain posts and situations. Nothing here was unexpected or a surprise. Everyone knew exactly what would happen, but its fun to feign surprise afterwards I guess.

Like, it’s totally fucking rad that you don’t think parents should force their little trans teen daughters to suicide through religious conversion therapy anymore (hell, i’m not even sure about this one but you can have a freebie) and now want to make amends with and be accepted by the people who couldn’t stand you before, but maybe, maybe, considering that’s true, simmer all the way the fuck down about who has issues over who is caring about what and which and why and if they’re liked or not liked and etc etc.


Eh, if I had to place a bet I’d still say this wasn’t true. I think Jmakin was just going for an artistic flourish.

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IDK, I don’t know the details of the story, but if, hypothetically, 70% of the forum were inclined to vote for a bad mod, then I guess we would have to suffer under bad moderation. That’s also the way governance works in the real world.

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Not sure why Keed would delete anything. Anyone who goes back to read all this shit has something wrong with them.



my shit is pure gold itt

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I knew goofballer would scour my posts to try to find something objectionable. I left the meanest thing I wrote up to see how long it would take for him to find it. Took him like a half hour.


Most of the posters here do not interact with the mods nor need too, it’s so weird to have a years long debate over the importance of them on an individual level when if you’re in a place you enjoy and want to see succeed, they should have very, very little effect on your experience.


We weren’t able to figure out anything better on this forum than society has been able to in thousands of years? I’m shocked.


holy shit did you have to google that character’s name or no?

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it’s a great movie don’t get me wrong

I’ve stated my pessimism about all the plans here, but also I don’t know how to answer this. In my ideal situation watever works to not have watevs banned would be deemed as success, because subjectively I feel like he’s not a problem and objectively I could argue he’s not.

I might win the argument but that might be only due to arguing good and not on watevs’ objective value.

That’s totally fine if you see it as a mutual obligation. I’d agree. I think the problem arises when people don’t. Like, I wouldn’t care if he got banned, unless it personally affected his mental well-being for some reason, which I doubt, but for the sake of this example let’s assume I do. You’re saying your forum experience is being ruined by him posting (and I don’t know if this would be totally accurate but again, just using it for the example) and I’m saying my forum experience would be ruined by him being banned. I think that’s a fine crossroads to arrive at and could be handled easily and amicably. The problem is that some people wouldn’t even see my stance as even being possible. Like, they wouldn’t grasp they’re at that crossroads. That why I referenced theory-of-mind and the sally-anne-test again.


This is what happened. I saw keed spamming the forum, around inauguration day, in the email logs. I never read any of those messages and don’t care what they contained. It struck me as suspicious but I didn’t meddle.

For the record, I have never read anyone’s pm’s except for a thread between JT and microbet a few months ago, which I clicked on genuine accident, which I have alluded to in another post, which was discussed here. I opened this thread today because I saw keed wanted to raise the PM limit, which is in place because it prevents malicious users from spamming the forum with phishing links. I saw the thread was nearly 1300 posts long, and decided fuck it, I’ll open it. Got about 40 posts in and already saw posts about my mental health, clicked “make public”, and decided to let the chips fall where they may.
If anyone doesn’t believe that - I can gladly show you the admin logs. ggoreo can validate or show them himself if he feels like it but I’ve already put that poor dude through enough so don’t fucking dare pester him.

At this point I am so disgusted and disappointed in this community, and I feel I owe you nothing. I am genuinely sorry if I have disappointed you. It was not my intention, but people react certain ways when pushed to a point, and I reached that point a little while ago.

Good day.

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I was spaming the forum? What the fuck are you talking about?

You sent over 20 messages to unique users in the span of a little over 24 hours, during the time the whole mod thing was happening with you. I only know because I got a fucking alert about it. It struck me as suspicious, but only you know what those messages contained and the people you sent them to. Judging from what little I’ve read here, I can just make some assumptions. I don’t think your intentions here are good, I think you’re trouble, and politely, you should fuck off and go to your own site.

lol, I was PMing people. Fuck off.

You should have a vote to ban me if I’m such bad news.

nobody PMd me about the Reign Of Ked wtf


He was probably planning an inauguration party for Joe Biden.

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