Council of Captains Discussion Thread

Yeah France and Portugal are oot


You need to own up to your own mental issues.

Itā€™s the same routine in perpetuity.

Enough of us read that shit show that the only way youā€™re getting away with these new claims of ā€œimproving the forumā€ is if the same kind hearted people let it go once again.

People on the left are not abused on this forum. That is absolute fantasy victim playing BS and itā€™s making this place worse.

If youā€™re going to go hard at someone you better have a well constructed, thought out take or prepare for pushback. Thatā€™s reality.

You simply hate anyone that you perceive as an icon of American success.

Nobody ends up on this site who isnā€™t well aware of American largesse and the problematic nature of its imperialism.

I was raised Catholic and in the South. Do you see me fucking crying every day about all the animosity those groups receive?

Youā€™re the biggest narcissist on this site and you need to own up and stop relying on the amazing loyalty of your British cohorts.


When I click on a users profile, here is what I see. This is straight from viewing their profile. I have not clicked on the the Admin button that lets me do Adminy stuff like ban, make mod, change usernames, check IP address etc. This is how the public profile page looks for admins.

There is no warning that clicking on Messages or Notifications opens up that users Inbox or shows me all their notifications. When I click on either button, there is no warning I am about to read someoneā€™s private communications. I clicked on both of those at least once on someone elseā€™s account when I was first figuring my way around the software, and opened at least on PM without realizing what was going on. Pretty sure I thought clicking Messages was how Iā€™d send them a message.

I have also inadvertently entered PM conversations when someone has reported a post within a PM. This notifies the mods, and when you click to go to the post, you donā€™t know youā€™re entering a PM instead of a regular thread until you get there. Or maybe you could know, but nobody is being that careful before clicking on a reported post notification.

If I look at the site logs, there are entries that look like this

Just today I was like, wtf is discobot doing closing topics and clicked on the Topic ID link. Turns out it was a PM, and as a result Iā€™d just read someoneā€™s PM. It was the welcome message from discobot to a new user so just the generic welcome, but still, thatā€™s how easy it is to enter a PM without knowing youā€™re doing it in advance.

eta there is a way to do these things without logging your activity, but I only noticed this ability the other day when I was looking for something else, and I doubt jmakin knows about it since he didnā€™t spend a lot of time going through the settings, whereas Iā€™ve spend dozens of hours on them.


Jesus, thatā€™s some pretty shitty software htat is apparently also really widespread across the internet.

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If you lock the thread, it will spill over elsewhere. Throttling moderation threads is better.

Suggestion: find people who prior to say a week ago had not posted in About Unstuck in the previous month and are willing to do the job and make them mods.


I think youā€™ll find I fit that description exactly.


I would add that it has to be someone who was posting on the forum elsewhere but not wandering into About Unstuck.

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I donā€™t get why these dramabomb threads havenā€™t been throttled although if the mods straight up donā€™t care anymore I understand 100%.

I still love all of you and donā€™t hate anyone here except HeritageNotHate. I just donā€™t understand how you have the energy to bicker for months at end. I usually donā€™t vote on any of the things because I see both sides usually and try to avoid the drama as much as I can. Not why Iā€™m here.


Iā€™m sorry but there is something I have to ask about

So in the deleted shit I did see something like

ā€œczechos is one of the most right wing postersā€

Was that directed to me or superuperbob? If you see me as right wingā€¦I give upā€¦

No idea how Iā€™m a right wing poster

I thought more about all that. A couple of points:

I didnā€™t see the thread where it was attempted publicly to organize this subforum. Probably it was started in FrenchBBV after I was already tempbanned and now on this account I canā€™t see it yet. But I believe JT and dadbud. I also can vividly imagine what erupted from something like such thread on the foundation of saboā€™s thread.

What I donā€™t understand, why did people make it complicated. Assuming it is like they said, and it was an attempt to improve the situation, why not plain ask nicely and politely JM or mrwookie or greg to make such subforum. Arts and entertainment were just made without huge tramram. JM and mrwookie and greg are nice and reasonable and are actually on your side. They are trying to make things better. And I donā€™t see any good reasons against a subforum with different moderatrion. I meanā€¦ if it results in shit show then it is so. We can keep it contained. It doesnā€™t matter much for our representation. I meanā€¦ we have now different problems than the representation.

My issue with everyone jumping at mrwookie is that none of you is willing to take the responsibility. If you areā€¦ if you think that you can manage something with alternative moderation, go for itā€¦

You are totally allowed and it is perfectly OK to be mean. I have zero issues with any meanness in the PM thread. But in my POV being always kind > being always mean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>being nice and civil in the face and mean behind the backs. My issue with PM thread is a double facedness. For meā€¦ I nodded along in last times at couple of posts of JT in the forum. I agree hat there are issues, I feel similar about the forum but I kinda disagree on what caused the situation be so disastrous. But in the PM threadā€¦ I feel exactly like this metaphor says: like people try to organize something on the side, while being in front ā€œyeah, I care I want this place to be good.ā€ I meanā€¦

Swanky made me doubt my view. I am inclined to give the PM guys the benefit of the doubt, even if it is might be pretty naive. But it just feels for me so bad, so really knocks me out of my shoes, that I could be so wrong with viewing people as good and normal. I would like to think that they wanted to improve things and it just went somehow wrong, even if it is naive.


mother of god

What a bunch of toxic, thin skinned, self important, man babies posting in that PM exchange, WTF. You guys make Regina George look good.

And you thought you were gonna save the forum?! Lol


Honestly if a lot of those PM members were white supremacists from 2p2 running an inside job here, I wouldnā€™t even be angry. Iā€™d be impressed at how well it was hidden.

So this whole forum is a game of Werewolf now? Pissed off any Poggers back in the day?


Itā€™s werewolf but everyone playing genuinely believes they are a villager and thereā€™s no objective definition of a wolf other than ā€˜people who annoy meā€™.


File under ā€œthe internetā€ in Oxford English Dictionary.

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Good thing the ban on this bastion of the forum was undone or he might not have been able to get the link to his replacement forum posted.

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