Council of Captains Discussion Thread

tabbaker was being sarcastic

Well, jokes on me because when I saw that post I immediately thought ā€œthat is a useless post that adds nothing to this discussion and just stirs up shit for no reasonā€

I guess thatā€™s my cue to give this thread a break for a while.

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@econophile @hokie


Not having Watevs on ignore is a huge life leak. Unlike all this mess, heā€™s a very easily solved problem.

Congratulations, you made a sarcastic flag.

Iā€™m proud of Chris BloViate itā€™s a perfectly encapsulating nickname

Thatā€™s pretty inflammatory.

I think a good test of when things have gotten into surreal territory is to imagine trying to explain all this to a person IRL. Their eyes glaze over after a few seconds. If you continue they start to re-evaluate their entire relationship with you.


JT posting about talking to his wife about posters was weird. I wish JT the best, but my gf would tell me to stfu so quick if I talked to her about online forum drama or personalities.

I would appreciate it if you would stop assuming the worst in me when I do whatā€™s right.


Lollolololol.gif - thatā€™s incredibly smarmy given the content of this thread and the poster in question.

Thatā€™s also true of most peopleā€™s hobbies.

If someone talks at any length about fly fishing or stamp/coin collecting my eyes glaze over and start looking for the exit. I have no control over this whatsoever.

lol I literally attempted that earlier today once I had figured out what the hell was going on. Didnā€™t get an eye roll but I donā€™t think sheā€™s exactly anxiously awaiting an update either.

Sure if your hobby is watching planes land at the airport.

We have much worse than that here - trainspotting isnā€™t just a film.

Sheā€™s incredibly accommodating to put up with that much.

Some of the people who want better posting think that civil posting is better posting because they value the appearance of order.

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My ex would get mad if I even mentioned 22. But then I had another female friend who got into it and even wound up dating adsman on 22 for a while.

Iā€™m taking my own advice and bowing out of this. God help this forum. Itā€™s a pretty good thing on balance imo. Iā€™d hate to see it die.

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Iā€™m fine not having watevs on ignore because I think heā€™s often right, but I think others making more use of the ignore function would be a net positive for this community