Council of Captains Discussion Thread

Actual ignore, yes. Cajoling others to ignore a poster or complaining why don’t you have so or so on ignore, no.


they don’t really, from what i’ve seen. You can see that in the way the mets poster is treated. the real issue isn’t about people advocating for civil posting, it’s that people feel it’s unfair that watevs view them as they view mets.


Angry people get angry when angry as you know when sitting in restaurants


I think this is close to the truth. It’s relativism. Some of the people who say deplorables are motivated by owning the libs are themselves motivated by owning the left.


for the record i do think that civil posting is beneficial (and watevs posting isn’t, even if his views are closer to mine on most issues). that might include some pseudo “tone policing” and being “nice” to people who you might think are very wrong. Those are some of the biggest fears of the community from what i’ve seen.

I suspect you won’t be reading much of my posts anyway, scrap that we know you read everything including private PM threads and rush to wookie to ban posters which I believe was you as wookie unlike you reads very little here.

Use the functions of the site along with @simplicitus @superuberbob @skydiver8 instead of you know.

But hey, you’ll all get the echo chamber y’all wanted soon enough.

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Cmon man, posts like this fuck up threads just as much or more than anything watevs does where he flies in, takes a shit on someone, and leaves

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No. 1 on keeed’s posting guidelines for the sub forum would have been Be Kind. Everyone was enthusiastic about it.

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I’m @-ed here but I honestly have no idea what you’re saying.


but you weren’t kind so far. You had the opportunity to be kind to clovis or “right”, and you chose the latter. I understand that this isn’t the sub forum, but i’m skeptical on the interest in being kind when being ‘right’ is so much more appealing and being ‘kind’ requires self censorship.

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I’m saying that goofyballer should take your advice and use the ignore feature as I was sure you’ve said this in the past to make your forum experience better.

Ah, yes. I see.

I do believe more people should use the ignore function.

I personally don’t because I don’t think mods should have anyone on ignore. When I was made a mod, i cleared my ignore list.

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I’m much more of a consumer than a contributor to this site, I appear embarresingly highly on the time read stats, and I read that whole thread and I would find it very hard to believe that anybody who read all the posts would think that it was anything other than a genuine attempt to improve it.

I think it would be good for the forum if MrWookie would offer to stand down, but I don’t think this will happen

Final point - Beach beers with StrontiumDog, hell yeah


This was my naive belief when I more widely shared the thread. I thought we could get borderline sympathetic people on board if they read the thread, then we could get twenty or more people signing on to the idea, then I could start a thread asking for the idea, and we could get micro and cassette and johnny back and it would work out fine. lol me.

And again, I am owed a large share of the blame for the thread being public, and didn’t fully consider how it would effect others or how much of the posting would be received.


To pile my naivete onto yours, I still have hope that we can resolve this without losing too many members. Next step, shuffle mods? Get someone from that PM thread to post a true OP of the subforum RFC?


I will try to do that soon.

Yes I know and I’m yet to work out how to be kind to someone who’s as wantonly abusive as that. It’s something I know I need to work on, that’s for sure but I don’t think kindness will work in a forum where attacks and pile ons are commonplace and tacitly supported by moderation. I think it will only work as part of a culture of kindness.

That was the point of a sub forum - such attacks would be against guideline #1 that all posters might be required to sign up to, and unkindness would then receive condemnation from the sub forum community rather than be subject to the biases and views of individual mods.

Ahhh, forgot you were even a Mod for a Second or I would have tagged you in.

And I tagged you in because I believe that both of us took the opinion that as our opinions didn’t aline much and probably never would that we both decided to stay out each others paths and has made both out forum experience better.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish you every success in whatever you do, is that we’re just on a different political sphere and know it.