Council of Captains Discussion Thread

How many posters need to be invited to a PM before the expectation of privacy is eliminated?

Should the PM’s before that number still be included in that?

It’s bizarre how pro authoritarian this board is.

Even people on team admin should be saying “Yeah this is fucked up”.

They still have access to our emails, IP addresses, and probably other personal information.

I don’t trust them.


I haven’t read a lot of threads that lead up to this, so I don’t have all of the context. But even assuming for the sake of argument that your characterization of jmakin as the ultimate instigator is correct, I still wouldn’t permaban him.

I’ve been reluctant to wade into this discussion, but I want to say this.

Accusations of trolling and gaslighting are being used much too loosely. Maybe it comes from my postmodern orientation, but I understand that two intelligent people can see the same data and come away with different interpretations and conclusions. That someone you think is rational says something different about what happened does not mean they have to be lying and are trying to gaslight you for nefarious purposes.

With the original PM thread now hidden, I am adverse to making any claims about what I read without having the previous posts to refer to and document what I think happened. I know my memory isn’t great and I don’t want to mischaracterize anyone’s position. I encourage anyone making claims about another poster’s previous posts to cite those posts instead of relying on common knowledge that everyone “knows” is true. At the very least, it will slow down debate and serve as a natural throttle on any back-and-forth exchanges.

I’m saddened but not surprised by all of this. I may be disappointed in a lot of you, but this forum still provides value for me and as long as it does, I will stick around until I am tossed out the door.


I don’t know, tbh, but since it didn’t seem like the main purpose of the thread was so that they could all collectively brag about trolling I’m willing to ignore him and focus on the efforts of JT, micro, etc. Fidget isn’t even posting in this thread anymore so it seems like frustration with him is being channeled towards JT instead.


New phone who dis?

Did this screenshot come from the original Council of Captains thread? I was wondering at the time. I tried to match it to other threads and couldn’t find one.

For the record, I got back into the mod threads for a bit after my temp ban. Then I nuked them all again. Then this happened.

yeah. @6ix will learn to not one liner a thread anymore.

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Hey y’all. I’m on a trip thousands of miles from my wife and just found out that she’s in the hospital getting tests.

So, I’m really appreciating all of this rapid-fire forum drama as a FANTASTIC time-killer while I wait to get updates.

But I’m also posting this to say that as much SERIOUS BIZNESS as this all probably feels right now, it’s really not. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I don’t know what one-liner is. That post was from smrk4.

ugh. i made a joke about how 6ix is listed as the most prolific poster in the PM thread even though the majority of his posts were jokes.

it’s funnier now that i explained it.


Damn, sorry. Wishing you and your wife the best.


Btw the way I knew about this is this showed up in my notifications after the original thread was opened this morning:

Seems kinda ironic that I was quoted in what was essentially a private subforum, spurring a short discussion about me. But a few of the key participants are still having fainting spells about their own personal privacy.

For the record I was asked to participate in a thread a lot like CoC with the goal of starting a new forum - and declined.

I’m not saying that it was intentional. But I am saying some posters are trying to use the second transgression to completely absolve the first.

And also that the existence of the PM thread was leaking out anyway. Anyone who expects to keep a secret with 50 people is deluding themselves.

Ok but who are those people and who is yadi

So that screenshot was from the original CoC thread?




I mean it was nothing bad. I posted more or less the exact same thing publicly directed to you. Actually the public version was meaner, I told you to go fuck yourself. I was wrong and I apologized to you.

Were there any posts to the effect of “Hey Fidget that’s not cool”?

Maybe I imagined it but it sure looked like some of the people accused of trolling the mod thread for the last year were admitting and bragging about it.