Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Could have been Rudy…

Lol at REPUBLICANS crying when Obama named a partisan non doctor as Ebola czar (but someone highly qualified in managing complex systems).

Press: Do you [agree with the doctors]?

Narrator: He did not.

“They gonna destroy the 2nd amendment.”

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That NIH dude should have looked straight into the camera deadpan and said “You are all going to die if you don’t oust this stupid motherfucker right now.”


Right, who called Pence? I’m sure someone itt called it. Well done. :ok_hand:



Oh my God this dumb fucker.

He gets asked if he’s working with China at all.

“Well yea, we just did a trade deal with China.”


Shit. I’ll see you guys in hell.


From an ex coworker who is into every conspiracy theory.

Goddamn it. I cannot for the life of me find WHERE in northern California this is.

Its a big fucking state people, jfc.

Anyone know?


Also, this report has tanked futures again. We may be looking at sub 26 tomorrow

I’ve seen them bouncing between 0.3 and 0.5 percent down.

How low were they Sunday?

They didn’t say. Which probably means it’s Bay Area, like if it was in Eureka or something, they’d be wanting to let people there know that there had been a case. There are already a bunch of Bay Area cases, so no point in specifying.

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Can’t recall for sure, but I think they were bouncing all over between 1 to 2 percent.

Uh, not to change the subject or anything, but uhm, my friend wanted some details about who the gal is in your avatar?

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Can someone watch this for me and tell me if there’s anything in it I actually need to know?

At least the title theme has a chance of being correct for once - unlike say “The Masked Singer: 5 fast facts you need to know”.

sara calixto is a model who recently lived in milan, but luckily she got out months ago, before the virus, and is currently safe in medellin colombia. well, relatively safe. i mean i wouldn’t live there.


Everyone at my work got this too. I think it was the croups (for adults).