Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Wait are you screamingasian?



How much are these dumb masks that won’t do anything supposed to cost?

Expert who wrote a book on Ebola says that experts think this is going to spread, no need to panic, if you have prescriptions get 3 month supply just in case, but no need to panic.

Compared it to Spanish flu (as far as mortality rates which he thinks will turn out to be lower because many people get this that show no symptoms)

Not sure if serious…

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About $1 if you bought them in bulk a few weeks ago.

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Solano County.

CDC says did not happen at Travis Air Force base, where they’ve quarantined people. But it’s in the same county.

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No need to panic, it’s going to be like this thing that killed 40-50 million people when the global population was about 30% of what it is now.

Dumb question but how does this actually kill you? What do you actually die from?



Why people gotta change their names :sob:

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pneumonia, usually

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Please don’t ask him about infected children.

Telling on myself, I bought some probably useless masks at a huge markup off eBay today.

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Let’s say I hypothetically have access to this type of mask through a close relative. Is that going to work well aside from the fact that people at Whole Foods may mistake me for Cobra Commander?

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Depends on what kind of filters it has.

FML it’s gonna require the pink ones for a 100 nm virus isn’t it?

50% of people in the Bay Area have no idea where Eureka is and would probably guess Oregon if pressed. There’s Southern California, Northern California - which runs to about Santa Rosa or so - and then a big blank spot on the map north of that. The California hinterlands

You really have to hand it to Trump. That best people thing never gets old.