Coronavirus (COVID-19)

People talking about PR and DC when in reality Jefferson is way more likely to become the 51st state.

Yeah Kansas City does that. I want to go to say Parkville just north of the river - but the signs just say Des Moines or Omaha. Helpful!

Funny one is I-70 W out of KC tells you how far Colby, KS is away, every 10 miles for like 200 miles - to where you think it’s going to be a metropolis. And then it’s just a blip. But it’s the last town in KS before the CO border, so it gets special treatment.

None of the masks are worth it as the virus can infect you through your eyes. Wearing masks when not used to it also makes you touch your face more which is bad. Masks are good to prevent you from infecting others though so please ignore the above and wear them.

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I was talking to a colleague at a large public university today, and he told me that the president of the university has been communicating with the deans of the various colleges saying that they should be prepared to have instructors teaching from home.

I appreciate that contingency planning means being ready for things that aren’t likely to happen, but the idea of entire campuses being shut down is yikes.

Mom is still completely unshook. I went and bought a week’s worth of canned goods and toilet paper just in case and I feel like a doofus.

It’s looking like this is going to go endemic and once people’s immune systems get up to speed, it will be just another of the common colds that go through every season. A key question for China is how long they keep Wuhan on lockdown. Seems like it’s just about run its course, but then again it could flare up again once people are on the streets.


Gas masks seem silly to me. You’re gonna get this eventually if it goes endemic, might as well be done with it now.

No word yet on the March sumo tournaments. It’s possible they might hold it without spectators or (god forbid) cancel it altogether.


Shit’s getting real now.

It doesn’t look to me like people’s immune systems are gonna get up to speed vs this. Hope you are right.

If WSOP is already stuck with sunk costs; they’re not gonna give a shit if some out of country people can’t enter this year.

I get why people want to know early but there’s no reason to cancel at all now and probably isn’t going to be a rational argument for it for some time. The #'s aren’t even close yet in the US.

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Do you usually have less than a week’s worth of toilet paper around the house? How much toilet paper do you use in a typical day?


I mean, of course not in the first year; that’s why it’s so nasty right now. But give it a few cycles and peoples’ antibody libraries will build up.

What I mean is that now I have an extra week’s supply on top of what I normally keep on hand. I should stock up on coffee, now that I think about it.

Yeah, zero chance the WSOP should or would cancel anything. Olympics on the other hand could get tricky.

A small part of UC Davis is in solano county and I live in the adjacent county. I shall stock up on stuff i will rather die than eat.

A large % of the students at the major university I work for are from China. I keep expecting us to have an outbreak. You see a lot of masks.

More on the Northern California patient with no known prior contacts with overseas or otherwise infected persons: (click through to see full two page email from head of hospital)

-intubated patient transferred from an unnamed NorCal hospital (patient is from Solano County) to UC Davis Medical Center on the 19th. Hospital asks for COVID-19 test and is denied by CDC.

-Airborne precautions not taken until Sunday the 23rd, when the CDC test is administered.

-Confirmed positive today. Hospital believes “minimal potential for exposure at UCD Med Center”. We shall see.

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Thoughts and prayers for me.


Stop, I can’t get any more sold on the guy.


Yes but how much is a weeks supply like two rolls? You don’t buy toilet paper 24-36 rolls at a time like everyone else? How much do you normally keep on hand like two weeks supply? I’m a little concerned that buying a 4 pack of charmin is your corona virus prep.


oof futures down another 1.5%

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