Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I feel like this has been mentioned several times now.

Suck people need to wear the masks. But sick people should not be out in the general public at all.

The concern is people who get sick won’t have access to masks because healthy people have them all, at first.

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I am still hopeful this is going to die out before it really takes off, but I’m less hopeful than I was, say a couple of weeks ago.

Timing isn’t very optimal for me either - Finishing my first week of chemo/radiation with hopefully 5 to go followed by another 3 on a study protocol, followed by chronic chemo for the next year. So I hope I can fade that. And, BTW, we’re getting pummeled in our pension plan too - it’s gonna get better, because nothing is worse than uncertainty which is what the markets are full of right now.

All in all, 2020 hasn’t started out great - here’s hoping the second half of the year is better than the first.



“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” said Philip Tierno Jr., Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU School of Medicine.


It won’t.

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That clip of him saying it will soon be zero is going to be amazing when it’s in the thousands and rapidly climbing while we’re Mike Pence none the richer.


The Prime Minister just announced in parliament that Australia is putting into action its emergency response plan for pandemics. Not waiting for an official declaration from the WHO. At the moment this will mean extra preparedness rather than anything the public will notice. Also extended the ban on foreign nationals entering Australia within 14 days of having been in China.

It’s really too bad he didn’t put it on a banner, reduces the meme potential.

GL with that. If a country where 90% of visitors arrive through 2 airports can’t keep it out, no one can.

Yeah also it’s summer here and we’re a first world country, about the only country with > 1 million population with a better chance of keeping it out is New Zealand. 71% of arrivals there are through a single airport (Auckland) and I’d imagine it rises to north of 90% if you discount Australian arrivals.

Edit: Obviously it’s just buying time until a vaccine hopefully becomes available, no way we can keep it out in perpetuity.

It’s cold and raining in Melbourne today. There’s absolutely no way we are keeping this out, and I’d be surprised if it wasnt already here.

Europe drilling, Brazil down 6%, think this is it boys

This just showed up in my twitter feed.

Bad timing for their marketing arm.


The widespread level of Asian xenophobia around this is getting scary. It’s even from people who would normally be first to push back from this kind of thing.


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62 year old woman with schizophrenia ( according to chinese officials so who knows ) climbs down 8 story building to breach a quarentine in Wuhan. Wild shit.

I can only imagine how fucked up it would be to have schizophrenia in this situation. A bunch of guys in hazmat suits lock you up into your apartment and won’t let you leave because of some apocalyptic virus.


Good news! Asian schizophrenics usually experience voices as encouraging. Only Americans really get the brutal, self-hating ones on a large scale.

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The stereotype of non-white people being dirty is pretty deeply ingrained in white culture.

Just a continued lol in this thread at the people who keep minimizing this, or who keep implying this sort of thing happens all the time. Nothing like this has happened in the modern era AINEC. The closest analogue is Spanish Flu but that was before airplane travel. In other news:

Japan has closed all schools until April.

Saudi Arabia has closed Mecca.

These are things that have never happened before.

