Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Why the fuck did Trump appoint Pence? Perfect fall guy?

Wonder if we will see Stephen Miller as his running mate in 2020

Trump is in denial. It’s what people like him do when confronted with something really bad.


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Great, now my kids are praying the Coronavirus gets here quickly.


Is that real? He asked that and she said no?

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Whites don’t really have a culture, which is a big contributor to the truth in this.

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He sort of said that, she was pretty noncommital and it’s unclear what she said. He’s answering a question about how members of the public should change their behaviour. He responds by advising people to do what he does and regales them with some story of how he acted round a sick person once. He then says something along the lines of “you wanna treat this like you treat the flu.” and turns to her for confirmation.

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If the Dems don’t hammer the lack of funding and all the firings by Trump and elimination of our response capability to global health crisis they are even more incompetent than I would have ever guessed.


Lol, I like hockey, craft beer, and country music. Whiteness is my culture.

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On interstates you can already tell how far to that border, too.

The 0s (East-West) exit numbers are how many miles to west border (Colorado for Kansas).

The 5s (North-South) exit numbers are how many miles to southern border.

It’s weird. Like they don’t have enough test kits or something so they are afraid to waste them. However I think the value of testing and catching cases goes way way down as you get more cases. Seems pretty critical to catch the early cases so you have an actual chance of containing or mitigating the spread.



This administration is going to follow the Iran model. First, pretend everything is fine. And then muddle up the facts and suppress data as much as possible.

We need to send a clear and consistent message that its time to put the adults back in charge.

Of course, 85 percent of the country are morons and dont trust science so WAAF.


Sick burn

Going to stay at 50:50 on current investments for now but just set all new payroll contributions for me and my wife to 100 percent stocks. If we hit 20 percent drawdown I’ll shift to 60:40 for current investments and then keep shifting more and more to equities if we keep falling.

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oh hey look Tumblr is leaking.

Yeah… This is going to be a historic event like 9/11, except the body count is going to be many multiples higher. It’s going to change the world in a pretty dramatic way. How is impossible to predict at this point, and nobody should be happy that it’s happening… but it’s going to be a crazy ride.

Man I don’t want to see what my mutual fund investment looks like. Made it just 2 months ago.

Thankfully I should have enough years in my life to ride it out.

Happened to be the only guy within arm’s length of Trump when the coronavirus came up in discussion.