Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Stock market set to tank again, oil prices below the breakeven point to drill and Mike Fucking Pence in charge of the response. If his administration and our economy survive this Trump really is the luckiest guy ever.

I’m told that Columbia is a single man’s paradise

“We would want to ensure that we work to make it affordable, but we can’t control that price, because we need the private sector to invest… Price controls won’t get us there.”

Looks like my decision to watch doomsday preppers for the lols this last month will pay off. The episode where incel guy takes his terrified blind date to his missile silo in bum fuck Montana or Wyoming was the best.


A homeless person in San Francisco coming down with coronavirus could mean the opening of a new set of concentration camps.

If we had a competent administration I would personally not be that worried. But we don’t and so are drawing live to some really bad outcomes. Not to mention Donny needs the stock market to stay high as that is literally his one “accomplishment”. No chance he acts in a way that benefits the greater good(if he is even intelligent to know what that is) he will do what he always does which is act in what he perceives to be the interest of himself.


I bought a 3x leveraged S&P fund in December. The fun part will be when bonds start taking simultaneously and we can’t do anything to stabilize because the orange oaf demanded the Fed drop interest rates and they appeased him.

Well if Pence’s goal is to get more people praying, I think this’ll get us there.


-500 to open the day.


Any of you dudes take my long bond advice and get paid? (I didn’t)

3x leveraged long bond etf TMF went from 29.62 when I made that post to 36.60 right now.

I went to 50 percent total US bond because that’s my only legit low cost option.

In the back of my head I’ve thought something like a polio outbreak would end the antivax movement pretty quickly. Like it’s fine to be all woo woo when it’s measals (which is serious but often not fatal and anti-vaxers piggyback off heard immunity), but as soon as local school kids are dying or crippled for life, concerns about the danger of vaccines or whatever goes away real fast.

I’ve been looking at TMF for months but of course I didn’t. I added more to a total market fund last week.

An aside, obviously that’s fine but I really hate that total market bond funds are the default and often only option for retirement funds. Something like 35% of those bonds in the total market funds are corporate bonds. Which, in troubled times those corporate bonds are correlated with equities. They will drop when the associated equities drop. Look at the performance of the total market bond fund versus a US treasuries fund in 2008-2009. It’s striking how much worse the total market bond fund performs.

And then long bond funds like TLT are even better because they should provide very slightly better return and will be even more strongly anti-correlated with drops in equities. They’re more volatile but that’s actually a benefit!

bought puts on CCL and up 100% on my small investment, just wish i had gone all in when jman was initially regaling us weeks ago

1 year ago today Dow was 25,985. We are drawing live to closing below that today.

Currently at 26,347

Gonna wait a month or so for this virus to really get going in the US and then buy a big pile of stocks.


This is definitely the sort of situation that creates the kind of entry I generally look for. There are going to be lots of opportunities to buy real world assets as well.