Coronavirus (COVID-19)

You are very wise Mr. Potato Man. I switched from VTI to BND when Dow was at ~27,000 late last year because I figured Warren/Bernie would hurt the market and I thought very likely one of them would win D nomination. Dow is at 26,200 today yet VTI is still up ~4% from where I sold because NASDAQ has done very well over that time. BND is up 2%. VTI is up 7%…

Good thing Trump was able to calm the markets with his soothing words the best words

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Now 700

my stack of i-bonds looking pretty good right now

I don’t normally track the Dow and Nasdaq indexes but this thread has had me doing it every day. I just checked them for first time today and audibly said “Holy Shit”. I feel like this is going to go down more and Trump cheering the Dow cracking 25000 again is in play for the week.

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You know he’s equally furious and confused this morning that the market didn’t bounce back, lol.

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I’m now convinced that I can time the market with 100% effectiveness and will shortly be joining the billionaire class. Just burned my DSA card. Later plebs.


Jamie Dimon should be the Coronavirus Czar.

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(I hope the husband of our ambassador to the Vatican is safe and sound.)


useful to take a slightly longer view of things

People really need to stop citing the DOW as some kind of yardstick of the economy.


It’s a good rough proxy for the stock market.

Agreed, they need to start citing VTI. What is this,1929? Come on!

They’re talking about their retirement accounts, not the economy.

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Good news. Who has two thumbs and was just at UC Davis for work yesterday?


RIP, Wookie.

Took my GF and 8 year old daughter to urgent care last night, they were throwing up and had fevers. Thank god they both have type A flu.

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Helping me is that I’m already engaged in paranoid hygiene practices. My baby girl got hand foot and mouth disease from daycare so I’m using gloves and washing my hands like a motherfucker to keep the rest of the family from getting it. So far so good.

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Uhhhh type A flu is probably more dangerous for the kid than coronavirus. All the reports seem to say that corona is very mild in kids.

On one of our news site the leader of emergency services said that the people should always be prepared for some disaster or catastrophy and have a supply for 10 days. I always buy just for the next few days or enough to get over the weekend because I cant help myself if I know that there is more food in the house.

A 10 day supply for one person would be:
20l of water
3,5 Kilogramm Getreide, Getreideprodukte, Brot, Kartoffeln, Nudeln und Reis (insgesamt)
2,5 kg of fruits (in cans oder jars) und nuts
4 kg legumes und vegetables (in cans oder jars)
2,6 kg milk und dairy goods
1,5 kg fish, meat und eggs or whole egg powder
0,4 kg of fat and oils
food that doesnt need to be cooked or heated (sugar, honey, chocolade, flour, instant broth, hard tacks, pretzel sticks) - as much as you want

medical kit
candles, tea lights
camp cooker
flash light

I would starve to death within few days.