Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Can you pack in enough frozen meals, yogurt, and non-perishable(-ish) foods like tortillas, cheese, and the aforementioned peanut butter, tuna, etc.? Does he need someone to feed him, or can he microwave a frozen dinner?

My wife is a school nurse, and says they will likely close schools in her district, and that she might be reassigned by the city. She’s employed by the city, not the school district, so I guess that could be taking care of patients, or (I hope) running vaccination clinics.

Edit: That is not to say there is any announcement of school closings pending, but if there is an outbreak in this area, that would be a likely response by the city health department.

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This might be an existential crisis for my dad.

So it sounds like the industrial n95 masks do offer protection as well, but not from all fluids. I think they still block a lot of airborne stuff, so they’re probably worth it. A surgical mask is not much help, though.

My big concern is the death rate would certainly go up if everyone in an area got it simply due to lack of resources. (and death from other things also goes up as well due to hospitals being busy as hell)

Seems like China already has more people needing a hospital for this than they have room for in those infected areas.

That’s mostly just to make masks seal effectively. I think facial hair could catch/hold germs though.

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same, the plan of not leaving the house outside of necessities is what i usually do, check mate all those people who have to talk to others who always annoyed me.



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Trump doing the flu whataboutism.

Mike Fucking Pence is our coronavirus czar. LOL


What the hell are these facial hair names.

At my work we have a couple people who have full respirators, they need to have them fit every year and are required to be clean shaven, I guess the facial air disrupts the seal

We also buy N95s all the time and I guess the buyer went to order some last week and it said backordered until June or some nonsense

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He has a great track record with public health and contagious diseases.

And how much do these factors influence mortality rates, if at all?

Trump facial expressions as he tries to comprehend and decide if what they say is cool is hilarious. …and he’s already looking off stage to get the fuck outta there.

Of course, I’ve been sick for about a week now and I’m sitting here wondering if I have Coronavirus.

(I don’t - it’s just a cold that I can’t kick)

Lol at having dudes talking about science. Randomized trials and time tables hahahaha. None of that shit matters.

And away we go:

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Listening to a podcast today and people from NAMM all have a cold that won’t go away they have been calling NAMMthrax. That was 1/20 or so in California.

One-time for the germophobe president to catch it? Is that going to get me banned?