Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Wasn’t there a poker player (Frogman maybe) that used to wear a mask like this when he played? Guess he was ahead of the rest of us and not just a weirdo.

Do filters… like… wear out? I’ve got an old N95 lying around but I figured they were disposable.

The types of masks you want, according to the FDA are:

  • 3M™ Particulate Respirator 8670F
  • 3M™ Particulate Respirator 8612F
  • Pasture Tm F550G Respirator
  • Pasture Tm A520G Respirator

I have been unable to find any, so if anyone finds some, please let me know.

Also, for what it’s worth, CDC currently does not recommend that people who are well wear facemasks to protect themselves. Personally, I’d like to at least have a few around just in case Philly gets locked down or gets a lot of cases at any point in time and I need to go to the store for food/supplies/whatever.

Many of whom, to put it mechanically, would be dead in a year or two anyway.

100 million deaths from pandemics every 100 years is just par for the course I’m afraid. It’s not a pleasant thought but it’s hardly unexpected, so yes, you’re overreacting.

That doesn’t mean we should be totally chill about possibly living through one of them, especially those of us with weaker immune systems, elderly family, or elderly family with weakened immune systems.


Straw man alert.

Nobody is chill about it. But it isn’t going to result in a nuclear war and the right way to deal with it is to personally be smart and help those people through it as best we can. Is this a horrible situation? Yes. Nobody is disputing it or even a little bit happy it’s happening. Freaking out is basically never the optimal way to personally survive or help our loved ones survive either though.

I mean, I see one person posting about nuclear war and I was one of if not the first people to tell him that was an overreaction.

I don’t think it’s freaking out to be stockpiling 2 weeks of food in case of a lockdown or buying a pack of masks in case it becomes widespread in your city.

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And anyway maybe being chilled about it is the best response - if you live in a town/city there’s probably little you can do to avoid it and beyond observing standard medical advice you can’t do much to influence its effect on you or the people you’re in a panic about.

So yeah - a Buddhist/Stoic attitude is probably good right now.

How far into tonight’s speech before we hear about the electoral college score of 2016?


American Experience did an episode on the real boy in the plastic bubble - amazing.

Data from the cruise ship as of 20-Feb:


There are now almost 100 more cases, but I think over the next few week we will learn a lot about the true death rates across age groups, numbers of patients with infections who remain asymptomatic, etc.

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Kids are the carriers - as usual. Get away from me you walking snot-encrusted germ factories!


Chinese officials on Tuesday reported 411 new infections; in the rest of the world, the number was 427. The total number of cases globally has now reached 80,980 and nearly 3,000 have died.

In China, the authorities cautioned that the falling infection rate might be only a temporary reprieve, while South Korean officials scrambled to contain the largest outbreak outside China. The U.S. military confirmed that one soldier stationed in South Korea had tested positive.

Brazil’s health ministry said on Wednesday that a 61-year-old man who recently traveled to São Paulo from Italy had contracted the coronavirus.

The first known case in Latin America, it comes as Brazil is in the midst of Carnival, a hugely popular festival that draws large crowds into close quarters for raucous street celebrations.

Officials were scrambling to track down other passengers on the flight the man took to Brazil and to find others who had come into contact with him in recent days.

Iran’s leaders continued to downplay the seriousness of the outbreak there on Wednesday, even as the number of cases in Iran or linked to it kept climbing quickly.

The health ministry reported 139 cases and 19 deaths, up from 95 and 15 on Tuesday, and the government ordered a weeklong closure of schools and cultural sites in 10 provinces. Experts say Iran’s high apparent death rate suggests that it has far more infections than it has discovered or acknowledged.

But President Hassan Rouhani said that the virus was coming under control, and he predicted that things would return to normal by Saturday, Iranian state media reported. He added that Iran’s enemies were using the epidemic to further isolate the country.

Iran has not closed pilgrimage sites that draw millions of Shiite Mulsims to the city of Qom, the center of the country’s outbreak. On Wednesday, the cleric in charge of one of the most important sites there, the Fatima Masumeh shrine, said people should keep visiting.

As the number of new coronavirus infections in South Korea soared on Wednesday, the U.S. military ordered all people who had come into contact with an American soldier who tested positive for the virus to isolate themselves in their homes.

The 23-year-old soldier, one of nearly 30,000 U.S. troops based in the country and the first of them to be infected, is stationed at Camp Carrol in Waegwan, 12 miles from Daegu, the city at the center of South Korea’s outbreak.

By mid-afternoon Wednesday, the S&P 500 was almost unchanged from Tuesday’s close. The benchmark had fallen by 3 percent on Tuesday and experienced its worst one-day slide in two years on Monday.

But major markets in other parts of the world continued to drop, with investors reacting to reports of the coronavirus spreading across the globe. European markets fell more than 1 percent on Wednesday, and Asian markets ended the trading day lower.

Investors have been dumping stocks all week, seeking safer investments like government bonds, as the outbreak spreads beyond Asia.

In trading on Wednesday, the DAX in Germany fell 2.1 percent, and the FTSE 100 in Britain was 1.1 percent lower. In Asia, the Hang Seng in Hong Kong lost 0.7 percent and the Shanghai Composite Index dropped 0.8 percent.

Good luck with that.

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trump probably said he’d lift sanctions if Rouhani talked down the virus and talked up the market.

Again. Show your maths.

60% infection rate. With the death rates by age bracket posted above results in a lot of people dying well before their life expectancy.

As for “I’m not worried what happens to people I know and neither should you be”…

This probably won’t cut through to you. But this is a very not normal attitude…


These two are not the same, and it’s disingenuous as well as absurd to suggest someone doesn’t care about people they know.

It should be clear what I meant - there are more people you should be concerned about than just those you know. Anything less is pure Trump.

That wasnt intended to be disingenuous. I honestly don’t understand your distinction. Take another run at it, I’m obviously missing something.