Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Masks are proper to wear only when you suspect you are sick. They are largely to protect others.

It’s a shame that there are a few considerate Chinese people I play poker with who will mask up when they get the sniffles and they get flames for it, and if they admit they are sick they get accosted by a bunch of people who also play sick but make no effort to reduce the spread.


Probably belongs in hot takes thread but shouldnt play poker if you’re sick.

Not a hot take. It’s basic human decency.

lol you expect degen gamblers to not play when they’re sick? Someone who will play 24 hours straight when stuck isn’t going to get up and walk away from the table when they get the sniffles. Come on.



Americans needs some reconditioning to not view mask wearers as a danger to them.

Also, it sucks that vendors on Amazon are already gauging consumers. Mask prices steeply rising paired with the right marketing keywords “great for virus protection” will make some people a lot of money.

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No. N95 are useless too. You need FFP3 standard masks.

Just the idea of playing a game with communal, disease-harboring paraphernalia that is frequently and purposely passed among a large population of disgusting slobs is primitive.

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99% of people won’t lose anything?

Show your math.

What % of people do you think will catch this in the next 2 years?

What impact on the economy do you think this will have?

How will your life be impacted if a lot of people you know are hospitalized for a month?

How many people over 60 do you know and care about?

My anti social, introverted personality / lifestyle is finally going to pay off.


I think the WHO estimated perhaps 60% of people catching it.

Economies will take a hit but developed nations can cope fine if they adopt good policies while people in undeveloped nations have a lot more shit to worry about than a few percent of GDP.

How things affect people I know isn’t the metric I use for worrying about stuff, and it shouldn’t be yours either.

Could some of you please explain what that means and if any of those are available online? I don’t see N95 or FFP3 listed anywhere.

I believe FFP3 is our Euro identifier, with N95 being the US equivalent

When I researched them I found that N95 is a lower standard.

The people who wear masks are props. Generally people shouldn’t work when they’re sick, but we don’t live in that society.

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Similar here. I and my wife are both teachers at schools with 1000+ students, so if this comes to our area, we will both be exposed and possible infected. My kids are schoo/pre-school age, which adds to that. Still I am not really worried for the four of us.

The only thing that really worries me is my father in law who lives with us and is a cancer patient who has recently developed respiratory issues. He is in a hospital right now to get some pleural drainage thing. He lives right next door to us. I am really not sure how to react if anyone at my school was diagnosed. The school would probalby be closed for a few days anyway, but I am not sure how we would manage to isolate him for fourteen days and stil get them food/ groceries…

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This, except it isn’t 10K years, it’s 10K generations, which for a virus is the time it takes to read this post.

Should note that pathogens are not on that list of things N95 filters for. With that said, this is what I’ll be wearing in my breadline, which I already own for non disease purposes:

Amateur hour ITT. You want FFP3 over an N95, with full scuba gear and two spacesuits.

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You need a specific type of N95, actually. I looked today and can’t find any. Even the ones that don’t protect against coronavirus are sold out or price gouged by like 10-20x.

That would mean 92 million people die from it. But tell me more about how we’re all overreacting and it’s no big deal if 1.2% of the world’s population dies.

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