Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Bumping this because I went back looking for the picture and some others might benefit from it too.

I’ve had a mild cough for a little while now, a mild sore throat as of yesterday, but no noticeable fever. I wanted to see this timeline. It looks like as long as I’m not puking or dealing with a 102+ fever over the next few days, I’m good.

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I have nfi what spiking the football means, but people itt are panicking about the likelihood of catching a virus that they’re extremely unlikely to die from and are conjuring up visions of nuclear wars. lol

I guess it gives people something to talk about that’s less threatening than Trump. :man_shrugging:

So in Germany a senior physician got infected and they took several doctors out of the system who had contact with him. That will stress the health care system even further everywhere if you lose to much medical personal.

It’s nothing like that at all because 99% of people won’t lose anything and many of those won’t even know they were infected.

It’s the ultimate fat tail event.

No, people are not. One person mentioned nuclear war and multiple people called him out for overreacting even before that post.

People aren’t panicking? I’d hate to see what actual panic looks like here.

I see little to no panic here. People are for the most part rationally discussing the available information.

I mean for chrissakes, other posters have come in and accused “the thread” of not taking this threat seriously.

I’m not too worried about dying from this, but I’m somewhat worried my parents will die, plus 1-2% of everyone else in my life, plus the impact it will have on the economy, in particular the supply of food and water and other basic necessities that I take for granted.

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The discussion itt seems mostly grounded in reality, with a few exceptions.

I have to agree though the with respect to the larger discussion, in the media and elsewhere, this is starting to smell like a standard panic event with some of its telltale signs (e.g., end of world predictions, comparisons to non-analogous events, pop culture connections, zenophobia, and absurd political posturing).

I have no idea how this will end, and this post could look really dumb in 3 months, but I suspect the actual event will not resemble some of the current predictions.

I’m glad they left, whoever they were.

What you need is a jolly big war or aerial bombardment on your soil to help you put these things into perspective.

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Yeah predictions of war are pretty silly here. This is going to be ugly, but not that flavor of ugly.

Probably very expensive, as any RNA-based therapudic would be, and I have a lot of questions about efficacy. mRNA breaks down if you just look at it funny. Working with in a lab environment, you have to go to pretty good lengths just to work with it without it degrading right away. Injecting it into the bloodstream, like, seems like it would just guarantee that it gets minced before making it to the relevant cells for identification and processing.

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My 79-year old Dad just emailed me to see if I could find any surgical masks out here since apparently he can’t find any in Kansas City. I sent him some off Amazon.

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While war might be a little too much but if there are enough victims the search for someone to blame will start.

Thanks Obama.

The Dems should be hammering this message non stop imo. It should break up nicely into easy soundbites too.

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Surgical masks aren’t effective for coronavirus. Need N95 I think.

Number of strains and iirc they are all very different

I got him these:

Seemed to be the best I could find.