Coronavirus (COVID-19)

There are four coronaviruses which are endemic in humans. They cause something like a quarter of common colds every year.

18 confirmed cases in Iran with 4 deaths and the newest Canadian case is a woman who travelled to Iran. Not great.

Yeah, trying to contain this by checking people’s temperatures at airports with an IR thermometer was gjge, but there was never any way we were ever keeping this confined to China. The good news as such is that it seems to be stabilizing in mainland China? But stats from there aren’t totally reliable. Rest of the world has a way to go before this burns out, it seems:


Uhhhhhhh, this can’t be good. This isn’t good at all:


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Welp… Damnit, Trolly


Man, this could be killing Uyghurs in internment camps in terrifying numbers and I don’t think the outside world would know anything about it for a long time.

Australian ponies run faster. Probably all the predators.

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Yea numbers in China can’t be trusted and I’ve been looking lately mostly at rest of world numbers where there should be more transparency.

Having said that any hope that this thing is less deadly than China has reported is fading.

  • 10 more confirmed cases in Iran and 1 more death
  • 12 more cases in Italy and 1 more death
  • South Korea is up to 433 confirmed cases

All of the evidence so far is that corona is as infectious, and most likely more infectious, than the flu.

Yeah, Iran clearly has a significant outbreak and 18 is several orders of magnitude off on the true infected number.

I think the repatriation story is totally backwards. It was Trump who didn’t want them here, even though that’s the opposite of the original article.

The US mostly seems to be hoping it goes away. They could and should be doing more rigorous testing but I don’t think they want to know the results.

That being said, the guy from Harvard who said we could see 60-70% of people in the world get it says there is no spike in “flu” or pneumonia cases throughout the US right now.

Feverish passengers were left in their rooms for days without being tested for the virus. Health officials and even some medical professionals worked on board without full protective gear. Sick crew members slept in cabins with roommates who continued their duties across the ship, undercutting the quarantine.

The U.S. government this past week allowed 14 Americans who were infected to board evacuation flights with hundreds of passengers who weren’t. Japanese officials have since let close to 1,000 passengers who tested negative walk free, even though experts fear some of them have been exposed and could later develop symptoms. Crew members were expected to start leaving this weekend.

After the boat docked in Yokohama, medical officers boarded the ship and went door to door taking temperatures, checking for coughs and testing some passengers for the virus.

The cruise directors scratched the planned activities the next day, while the screening continued. People still mingled on board, lining up at large buffets for meals. They used communal ladles and tongs, and shared salt and pepper shakers on tables.

Health ministry officials reluctantly allowed Kentaro Iwata, an infectious disease specialist, onto the ship late in the quarantine. Dr. Iwata was alarmed by the lack of control measures, even among the medical staff. In videos he posted on YouTube, he said he had observed a nurse at the ship’s medical center receiving ill crew members without wearing a mask.

“She said she was already infected, and so she was completely giving up,” he said in the videos. He took down his YouTube posts after coming under criticism for violating the chain of command on the ship.

Trump is so dumb and easily manipulated, it almost doesn’t matter what he knew or decided. If you told him a bunch of contagious people want to come to america, he’d say no way. If you told him those americans are big supporters of him and Obama would never have let them back in america, he’d send 10 planes. He’s a dumb douche.


It sounds like the decider on letting the 14 who tested positive back in USA#1 was a deputy secretary of HHS. Like basically just a guy.

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I mean I am no infectious disease specialist or anything so it’s pretty easy for me to armchair quarterback over here, but jesus christ this is bonkers.

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For sure.

He’s in a close to no-win situation if coronavirus takes off though. I mean the guy shocks me with how often he pulls wins out of his ass because of his insane base, but if people start dropping he’s getting blamed whether he’s doing a good job or not (of course he won’t be).

Yeah I’m sure everyone under him at this point knows the game. You can get him to say whatever you want depending on how you frame the situation.

Like thank god somebody is telling him to not worry about covid19 and it’ll go away in springtime. This guy was ready to shut down the border because he saw a movie where muslim prayer mats were discovered in mexico

Just to share a little good news, shout out to Jose Andres and World Central Kitchen who apparently stepped up to prepare food for the crew and passengers during the quarantine.

For those who don’t know, this group sets up mobile kitchens to make hot meals during emergent situations like the Puerto Rico hurricane, “migrant carravan,” etc. Seems like they’re solid with the logistics and generally good eggs.


Can’t blame you. In 2003 the 9-18 games at Commerce were amazing!

Nah, his base is never blaming him for anything ever. If it gets bad they will believe it’s a deep state conspiracy, and he’ll use it to suspend elections.

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