Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s a dude who has been confined to an institution for 20 years too.

When this is the two-outer you are drawing for for your life, you are in trouble.


Can we use our one time?

So I’m gonna have to do a major apology here, but in 2003 I used it up in a 9-18 fixed limit hold em game for a medium sized pot when I had 15 outs twice anyways. I didn’t understand that it was literally one time, and I apologize profusely for everyone who died from this.


lol cruises

Some countries have active camps for “undesirables” at their southern border right now!

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Take a cruise, eat shit and die.


Doesnt that just mean it will speed up in the southern hemisphere?

And I know that flu slows down in the summer, but it doesn’t disappear right?

It may - I’m not sure, and I don’t think anyone else is.

I doubt the flu completely disappears but (anecdotally) we just don’t see it in the ED, until it comes back around. But corona could act differently, I’d guess - so we’ll have to see. I have seen some early signs that the numbers of increasing patients MAY be trending downwards - probably get better numbers by March 15 or so.


New cases inside China dropped again Wednesday, officials reported Thursday, after national authorities changed for the second time in a week the criteria for how cases are diagnosed and counted. Here’s what we know:

China tallied a total of 394 new infections and 136 deaths through the end of Wednesday, its lowest in weeks, after national authorities changed the criteria for classifying cases. There is a cumulative total of 74,546 infections and 2,118 deaths, most in central Hubei province. The wild swings in numbers have raised suspicions over counting methods.

Iranian health officials urged the holy city of Qom to suspend religious gatherings Thursday after Iran reported a sudden spike to five coronavirus cases, the semi-official news agency ISNA reported.

Iranian authorities reported that they still don’t know how the patients contracted the virus. But in other places, such as Hong Kong and South Korea, religious sites such as churches have been cited as clusters for infections.

Last week, the Catholic Church in Hong Kong announced it was suspending mass as a precaution to prevent the virus’ spread.

Isn’t it warm in Iran, Singapore, and some other places right now where it is at least spreading a little bit? Or are all those case from people who caught it elsewhere and brought it into those countries with them

Ok, don’t eat shit and don’t go to church. These two are easy for me to avoid.


All anyone knows is that it will probably have a similar trajectory as SARS, which petered out after a few years and disappeared (for now).

If covid-19 crashes the economy and that gets rid of Trump, I’ll take it.

Daegu, South Korea has started to shut shit down because one lady who didn’t travel and thus naturally assumed it wasn’t that, infected a church. (though some think it’s a cult so…)

Guess the only good news it’s not quite exponential like was feared initially. (and it’s probably a bit under 2% death rate–given some people are reporting rather low symptoms with it thus those people wouldn’t bother seeking out medical attention)

a coronavirus death cult. it all fits.


What do you mean it isn’t exponential?

In the ER today (with my mom - recent ankle fracture) a nurse said coronavirus several times today. I think there was some instruction going on about procedures. Also flu across the hall.

Also, @hobbes, what a place to spend all your time! Thank you for your service! Tough job. A lot of screaming and crying and pain.