Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Autocratic assholes needing their photoshoots might kill us all

We have a number of factories in Qingdao. Got this update from a Chinese employee today:

There are no additional NCOV infected cases in Qingdao. In fact, the reported number of confirmed cases went down from 58 to 31 – 26 discharged, 1 died. There has already been an approved drug to cure the virus, so the situation is starting to look better.

An approved drug to “cure” the virus? Yeah, bullshit.

Edit not directed at you, directed at whoever wrote that release.

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“china is keeping the cure a secret because the virus was released on purpose” - tom cotton in 2 weeks


Definitely bullshit. But it must be a common belief by many if she is spouting it.

The Hubei report brings the total number of deaths in mainland China to at least 2,000, and the global death toll to at least 2,005.

This is the worst kind of disaster for me. I kinda just want to get it, sit out for a couple of weeks with a respirator on standby, hope I don’t die, and then help everyone else who gets it.

If Tokyo doesn’t look like Wuhan in a month I will be a lot less pessimistic about the global impact, but I think it will.

And I don’t buy the latest Chinese numbers for cities outside of Wuhan. They’re basically claiming they beat it. Hooray if true.

What the hell happened in the US to jump from something like 14 to 29 overnight?

And the cruise ship is now up to 542. I’m pretty sure at this point that they are all infected and there just hasn’t been enough kits to test everyone. (They were at 355 like 36 hours ago)

They evacuated the cruise ship and brought what they thought were uninfected back to the US, only to be informed that 14 had tested positive.

The Japanese govt is basically throwing a blanket party for the rest of the people on the ship. There is no way they’re letting anyone else off if 10% of the people believed to be healthy are infected.

Thanks. Do you know if they are double counting these people? Pretty scary if the current number (542) doesn’t even include people who tested positive after being evacuated.

Speaking of blanket parties, I was listening to the Wordly podcast and one of the hosts just casually pointed out how much devastation would happen if virus took hold in the Xinjiang reeducation camps and that is gonna be my, “how bad is mankind, really?” meditation for the night


I was wondering the other day how bad it’s gonna be if Corona hits the migrant internment camps in the US. Didn’t even think about the Uyghur concentration camps (why is no one talking about them?). Absolute goddamn horrorshow if Coronavirus rips through there, you know those camps are unsanitary af.

“And as far as Beijing is concerned, the world is on its side. By its numbers, more countries have publicly voiced support for China’s controversial anti-radicalization policies than opposed them.”

  1. Xinjiang is pretty far away from Wuhan, and it’s not like tons of people are just randomly visiting the camps on holiday, so they aren’t the first place you’d be thinking about if you were thinking about where the disease would spread naturally.

  2. In terms of economic impact, the harm would be much greater if the disease broke out in Hong Kong or Shanghai, so reporters are probably inclined to report on those areas.

  3. Because Muslim.


I was literally eating breakfast and looking out across the bay where the ship is docked about one week before it arrived–just as the first reported cases began rolling in from China.

(Dock is to the far right of the photo)

Had planned a longer stay in Yokohama but got nervous and jumped on the first bullet train back home to Western Japan.

I used to live within walking distance of this area and visit Yokohama every couple months. I doubt I’ll be returning there any time soon.


Two passengers of the cruise ship have died. :(

2 Iranians died as well. Country previously had no recorded cases, so for 2 to suddenly die, means the disease has very likely spread there.

Additionally, Japan and South Korea numbers appear to be ramping up. South Korea announced that they were going to pay to test anyone who has symptoms for Coronavirus, unlike other nations, so we may get a good count from them.

Spokane had 5 people admitted to their hospital with CV and people are trying to figure out if they are cases already counted, Americans from the cruise ship, or new patients altogether.

It’s 5 new patients from the cruise who are going to one of 10ish hospitals in the country that can handle them. We are going to be overwhelmed when shit hits the fan.

I’m still betting that (completely by accident) Trump is going to be correct that Corona is going to start to slow down because respiratory infections almost always do once we move out of winter and into spring. I hope. A lot.

And I would LOVE to explain the thinking process going on about the Japanese cruise ship and the guy who let the people off the Cambodia cruise. What the actual fuck were they thinking.


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And South Korea has just reported their 1st death from the virus. I think we are just over a 0.9% fatality rate for confirmed cases outside of China so far. Hopefully Trump is right.