Coronavirus (COVID-19)

jman testing positive for SHOOK.


If deaths are being counted accurately, at least a bit of good news is that they don’t seem to be increasing each day anywhere near as fast as I would have expected by this point.

On the bright side, it seems like kids aren’t getting this at all. Pretty good news.

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If a random old guy in Wyoming dies tomorrow from pneumonia, what are the chances he gets tested for this specific virus? Certainly the chances he had it are non-zero, right?

Pretty close to zero at least from what we know right now, imo.


This is not for me as I locked my phone with my orgasim face so if/when it gets stolen at least they need too… You get the picture. :ok_hand:

Frankie Boyle joke, from Touring Scotland


Slightly reassuring article exploring why there have been no cases is Africa.

It may of course be the lack of testing, but apparently colds and flu type illnesses arent as prevalent there due to the heat, humidity, and people spending more time outdoors.

N95 masks offer almost no protection and are the lowest standard apparently, so …

What you need are FPP3s.

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fucking amateurs

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I also played poker with a businessman who does a lot of business with a company in China, he claims they’re circumventing the travel restrictions by flying into Mexico first then connecting up to the US, and he says it’s a piece of cake.

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Yes, that and I’ve heard they’re flying into Canada and then just driving over the border down to NYC.

Seems fine, we only need a wall to keep out the brown people, not coronavirus.


"“More than 80% of patients have mild disease and will recover, 14% have severe disease including pneumonia and shortness of breath, 5% have critical disease including respiratory failure, septic shock and multi-organ failure, and 2% of cases are fatal,” Tedros said in Geneva. “The risk of death increases the older you are.”

He said children were not suffering from Covid-19 in the same way as adults, and more research was needed to find out why. "

From the WHO via the guardian.

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I’d be interested in how much a role either COPD or renal failure increased the bad outcomes - those issues track influenza pretty much exactly, which wouldn’t be a surprise - and might explain the lack of the pediatric cases with Corona.


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Oh man pangolins are awesome.

very delicious if you cook them right

Teledocing should become the norm nowadays. Doctors can diagnose most things just through a list of symptoms. If tests are absolutely required then people should go in, but not before.