Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Wait you guys have unlimited sick time with a doctors note?

And I guess societal pressure and pressure from management will keep people going in. Not gonna get that promotion or raise if you’re always missing work.

Still seems like a good policy. But I think people should get like 10 sick days without a doctors note. Going to the doctor sick seems like a great way to spread the sickness and I think people need mental health days too. Actually we should be working like 30 hours a fucking week and give people a living wage but thats another conversation.

Not exactly.

In the UK you can self-certificate the first 5 days. After that you need a doctor’s note.

The doctor gives you a sick note for a specific amount of time, after which you have to go back and get another if you’re not fit for work.

Most places give full pay for the first x months then onto statutory pay, which is a pittance.

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Saw these on the other site. (Apologies if these are snipped out of some sci fi zombie apocalypse horror movie, but I think they’re legit.)^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1226289563137531904&^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1226236454839320576&

  1. infect your hands by touching an infected surface
  2. disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer
  3. moisturize your hands with moisturizer
  4. die of covid-19 three weeks later because the moisturizer bottle had somehow been infected
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They’ve been spraying the streets of Wuhan for some time.

Troops are also on the streets, “escorting” people back to their houses if they venture out without permission (one person per family every few days is allowed out for food).

Yes, but:

In Germany legally you only need a note if it’s more than 2 days but in practice employers expect a note from the first day.

This. You might also hear: “If I don’t go my colleagues will drown in work”. I guess this might fall under societal pressure.

Paid Sick time is no good though when it’s like 10 days or 15 days or whatever. People still come in. Because they want to “save their sick time.” Unlimited takes away that incentive.

Hand sanitizer is for shit anyway. Only thing that really works is washing your hands with soap and water.

Thats pretty fucking great actually.

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Thats a good point. I still think having to go to the doctor every time you’re sick defeats the purpose of not spreading the sickness.

Maybe we can do it through a video consultant. I know hobbs talked about that being more of a thing.

I have unlimited sick time, but mostly we’re encouraged to work from home so as not to spread anything. I take 1 or 2 sick days per year (mostly to go skiing) and work from home sick a few times here and there. If anyone on my team comes in and they’re obviously sick I send them home.

Yes, it’s one area of employment law that hasn’t been radically destroyed by the right…yet.

Though as people say there are pressures on people to go in sick a) to prove how devoted they are and b) because a lot of time off sick may be used against them in their performance review.

Don’t you have vacation days to go skiing and shit?

Of course. I also take a lot of vacation days to go skiing.


I think people definitely need to be able to take sick days for mental health reasons when they aren’t actually sick, and I don’t think that should eat up all their vacation days either.

Most people work shit jobs they hate and a day off here or there would probably help mental health a lot, but if those sick days eat away all their vacation time then they won’t want to use it.

At my current job we get around 13 sick days per year and between 20 and 27 vacation days per year depending on how long you’ve been there. It’s great in theory EXCEPT when you retire or leave the system, you get paid out for your sick days, and they also count towards your service credit for retirement… So nobody ever wants to use their damned sick days when they’re sick, especially as they approach retirement age.

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Also we need to strongly discourage people from ritually consuming the brains of their ancestors.


Don’t kink shame me

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I’m cancelling my health care and just PMing @hobbes9324 .


Totally agree.

And if I actually end up sick and taking legit sick days, I generally won’t use any for mental health (i.e. - skiing). But mostly I use 1 or 2 sick days per year total, and that’s all. So I don’t feel guilty about using the occasional sick day as a day off.