Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yeah make something like this a federal law and make people not get paid out.

Not getting sick? Good take the day off and love your kids or going skiing or something.

Its so fucking weird people feel guilty about taking sick days for mental health but I know its a thing almost everyone feels.

Meanwhile these companies would launch your dead corpse into a landfill if it made them a profit.


The other half of that is the Stay Late culture where people are loathe to leave until the bosses have left, even though they’re not being productive.


yeah they can be removed with soap and water and sent down a sink, so hand sanitizer is kind of a scam if you have a sink and soap nearby.

disinfectants for surfaces are still good though. although 70-80% ethanol is what we use in the lab so i imagine that was proven most effective some time in the past.


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It seems much more surreal when seeing it on video versus reading about it.

it ends when the virus can’t infect anybody else. quarantine and letting people recover or die is how we can end it before it gets everyone. (obv we should still try to help infected people not die)

how high risk are we in america rn? idk i’m a pessimist, i’m just assuming we’re all gonna get it. china’s giving the old college try but i think it’s too late. but i’ve beat 98% plenty of times in poker, and if i don’t survive i won’t even know, so i’m not particularly worried.

Norovirus can live for 2 weeks on surfaces.

The article I posted differentiated between how long the virus can be detected and how long it stays infectious (much shorter than the detection period).

God damn. For anyone who read my posts about my mom being sick with flu/pneumonia. Doctor sent her home and said she would be contagious for two weeks.

Running good so far but fuck man seems impossible to not get it. How do I make sure I wipe down every single surface for two weeks?

I guess I just gotta hope my immune system is kicking ass lol.

Looks that way, unless you get cooped up on a plague ship where there is a slow turnover of people getting infected (on the list of stupid fucking ideas, that one was up there) - in which case you could be there for a while…


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It’s a best guess. Almost everything you read about this is a best guess.

I’d love to be able to light it up and watch the movement around the drain: splash damage, literally circling the drain, the drain itself like those SARS cases I posted. Like, it wouldn’t at all surprise me if a significant number of people splash it off their hands into their own eyes if their face is too close or the water pressure is too high.

I’m hoping my chances are better than 2% because

  1. I’m relative young with a good immune system
  2. I’m going to follow the best medical advice as to how to avoid it etc.

Hoping to fade it long enough to wait for the vaccine.

I am very worried about my 80 year-old dad tho . The only thing going for him is that he doesn’t have friends.



Can someone explain to me how this is not wrecking the world economy or seemingly having any impact at all?

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It is, the financebros trading in the markets just haven’t realized it yet.

Definitely screwed up my Japan trip for the end of March, sigh.

Although should just go and get the damn thing, there’s likely no stopping it now. Then can help people when I get back if I don’t get stuck there.

My mom’s on her way home from Hawaii as I type this. I guess she’s going into family quarantine.